Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Funky Walkthrough

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Funky is one of the Main Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5) for Miles Morales. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete Funky!

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Hunt to Live, Live to Hunt Good Men

Funky Overview

Mission Information

Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon Main Mission
Involved Heroes Miles Morales
Rewards XP Reward: 2000
Mom called and wants to talk. Sigh. Mom's gonna mom I guess.

Starting Location

Spider-Man 2 - Photo Missing Notice I want pictures of Spider-Man!
Our team still needs to take photos of this location! We'll get them up as soon as possible!

Funky Walkthrough

  1. Head to the Museum
  2. Find a Way Inside
  3. Troubleshoot the Security System
  4. Fix the Security Relay
  5. Stop the Heist
  6. Stop the Trucks

Head to the Museum

Spiderman 2 PS5 - head to the museum

After meeting with Rio and starting the mission, head over to the Cultural Museum at the west half of Harlem to find out what's going on.

Find a Way Inside

Spiderman 2 PS5 - find a way inside

Press R3 to scan and highlight the wires connected to the control panel. This will lead you to the back of the museum where you can launch a spider-bot.

Troubleshoot the Security System

Spiderman 2 PS5 - first relay

Follow the vent down to the first relay box. Pop it open then shoot a web at the frayed wires to fix it.

Fix the Security Relay

Spiderman 2 PS5 - second relay

Perform a scan again and continue following the wiring. You will end up inside one of the rooms with some stacked boxes in sight, near a glass container.

Hop on the boxes and onto the glass to find another vent where the wiring continues.

The next relay should be inside the next room. Jump over to the containers below it and fix its wires.

Find and Fix Remaining Relays

Spiderman 2 PS5 - distracting with instruments

Look below to spot a pair of thugs blocking the opening to the next room. You can distract them by scanning for and shooting the instruments with webs. Quickly crawl through the opening while they're away.

Distract the Criminal

Spiderman 2 PS5 - vent in the bathroom

The next room is actually a bathroom. Check one of the cubicles and flush its toilet to distract the criminal in the room. Wait until it's clear then jump into the vent above the sink (where the criminal was).

Fix the Final Security Relays

Spiderman 2 PS5 - third relay

Exit the vent and jump on the xylophone in the middle. Jump again on one of the glass containers, then over to the relay on the other side. Once it's fixed, crawl through the vent next to it for the real final relay.

There are three criminals here and a lot of instruments to use as distraction. Use the boxes and glass containers as platforms to cross over to the last relay, distracting the three as you go, to complete this section.

Stop the Heist

Spiderman 2 PS5 - stop the heist

Time to deal with the criminals personally. You can use a stealth approach to take them out one by one or engage in open combat right away.

Reinforcements will arrive eventually, but you can wipe them out immediately using the newly unlocked Mega Venom Blast by pressing L3 and R3 at the same time.

Stop the Trucks

Spiderman 2 PS5 - chase the trucks

Two of the trucks will try to escape with the stolen instruments and will split up at the second corner. Pick one truck to chase (either is fine) and keep up with it with swings and web zips until Miles automatically zips to it.

Dodge the bullets and wait for the web-strike prompt to appear to stop the truck and complete the mission.

Completing Funky also unlocks the Cultural Museum side missions.

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) Related Guides

Spiderman 2 PS5 - Story Walkthrough banner

All Mission Walkthroughs

Main Missions

Main Mission Walkthroughs
Surface Tension One Thing at a Time
Show Me New York Roll Like We Used To
Not On My Watch Amends
Healing the World Bad Guys On The Block
Make Your Own Choices Master Illusionist
A Second Chance Science Buddy
Hunt to Live, Live to Hunt Funky
Good Men The Flames Have Been Lit
Stay Positive Wings of My Own
New Threads It Chose You
Wake Up I'm the Hero Here
No Escape Anything Can Be Broken
Don't Be Scared Trouble With Harry
This Isn't You Set Things Right
It's All Connected Finally Free


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