Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Finally Free Walkthrough

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Spiderman 2 PS5 - Finally Free Mission Walkthrough

Finally Free is one of the Main Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5) for Peter Parker. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete Finally Free!

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Finally Free Overview

Mission Information

Finally Free
Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon Main Mission
Involved Heroes Peter Parker
Rewards XP Reward: 3000
Connors said I'd have to kill Harry, but that can't be true. I have to find the meteorite, We can use that to save him.

Starting Location

Map View In-Game View

Finally Free starts somewhere on the street in the southern area of Upper East Side. Follow the marker on-screen and head down to the streets.

Finally Free Walkthrough

  1. Defeat the Symbiotes
  2. Go Help Citizens in Danger
  3. Meet Up with Miles
  4. Go to the Nest
  5. Clear the Nest
  6. Investigate the Heart
  7. Find the Source
  8. Follow Miles' New Lead
  9. Clear the Bridge
  10. Find the Meteorite
  11. Clear Out Symbiotes
  12. Continue Finding the Meteorite

Defeat the Symbiotes

Spider-Man 2 - Defeat the Symbiotes

When you reach the area, you will find symbiotes threatening a bunch of innocents in a building. Rescue them by defeating all of the symbiotes in the area. Utilize your new Anti-Venom skills and gadgets to get rid of them quickly.

Go Help Citizens in Danger

Spider-Man 2 - Go Help the Citizens in Danger

Afterwards, head to the map marker in Midtown bordering Central Park to help the citizens from the symbiotes. When you are there, clear out the symbiotes there, just as you did previously.

Meet Up with Miles

Once you keep the civilians safe, go and meet up with Miles on top of a water tank on a skyscraper in Times Square. This will automatically play a cutscene where you switch to Miles.

Go to the Nest

Spider-Man 2 - Go to the Nest

As Miles, check out the infected skyscraper just ahead of you. On top, press the Triangle button when you are next to the heart to plant a Sonic Burst on it.

Clear the Nest

Spider-Man 2 - Clear the Nest

As soon as you plant the bomb, a group of symbiotes will ambush you on the roof. Clear them out using Miles' strong AOE abilities to launch them or push off the building. Make sure to also protect the bomb from the symbiotes by pushing or pulling them away from it, just like you would for other Symbiote Nests.

Investigate the Heart

Spider-Man 2 - Investigate the Heart

When you finish cleaning up the symbiotes, walk back to the heart and press the Triangle button to initiate a cutscene. This will send you inside the heart's consciousness.

Find the Source

Spider-Man 2 - Navigate through the Heart

Once inside, you will need to navigate your way to the source of the consciousness. First, turn left and swing to the other tentacle platform. After that, it should be a linear path where you swing towards the giant heart. Make sure to avoid bumping into the tentacles and obstacles in the way.

Follow Miles' New Lead

After Miles' escapes, you will switch to Peter to follow the new lead he found out. Go to the marked location on your screen straight ahead. It should be a bridge with a large symbiote infection sprouting out of it.

Clear the Bridge

Spider-Man 2 - Clear the Bridge

When you reach the bridge, you will need to save the innocent people there by clearing the area from symbiotes. Just as before, use your strong abilities and gadgets to quickly dispose of them.

Additionally, be careful of the two Symbiote Brutes that appear towards the end. You can parry their heavy attacks to open them up and deal a lot of damage.

Find the Meteorite

Once you finish clearing the area, you will enter the subway network to look for the meteorite. Keep following the path forward, and then pull the wall behind the sewer tunnel past the large number of symbiotes below. Swing past it to continue.

Clear Out Symbiotes

Spider-Man 2 - Clear Out the Symbiotes

As you enter the wide area, you will get attacked by a large number of symbiotes. Continue using your abilities and gadgets, like previously, to eliminate them. Make sure to save your Focus so you can sustain the fight and heal your health back.

How to Heal

Continue Finding the Meteorite

Spider-Man 2 - Continue Finding the Meteorite

After taking out the symbiotes, swing up to the small tunnel high up on the wall. Keep crawling forward and a cutscene will play which lets you finish the mission. You can then continue to the final mission ''Together''.

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) Related Guides

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Wake Up I'm the Hero Here
No Escape Anything Can Be Broken
Don't Be Scared Trouble With Harry
This Isn't You Set Things Right
It's All Connected Finally Free


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