Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Lights, Camera, Action Brooklyn Visions Walkthrough

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Spiderman 2 PS5 - Lights, Camera, Action Mission Walkthrough

Lights, Camera, Action is one of the Brooklyn Visions Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5). Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete Lights, Camera, Action!

Lights, Camera, Action Overview

Mission Information

Lights, Camera, Action
Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon Brooklyn Visions
Involved Heroes Miles Morales
Rewards XP Reward: 1000
Spiderman 2 PS5 - Tech Parts iconTech Parts x80
Help create the best school recruitment video ever!

Starting Location

Map View In-Game View

If you have this mission available on your map, simply select its location and follow the mission marker. Head to the girl near the audio-visual equipment and talk to her.

Lights, Camera, Action Walkthrough

  1. Head Towards the Student Near the AV
  2. Look for the Drone
  3. Take a Picture of the Skybridge
  4. Take Two More Pictures From Tall Buildings
  5. Take Three More Pictures of Student Life
  6. Head Towards Odyssey
  7. Follow the Drone and Don't Land on the Ground

1. Head Towards the Student Near the Audio-Visual Equipment

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Lights Camera Action Step 1
Talk to the student near the audio-visual equipment. She will ask your help tracking down a drone she lost. After your conversation, follow the mission marker that leads to your next objective.

2. Look for the Drone

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Lights Camera Action Step 2
After you land on the roof of the building where the mission marker is placed, find the busted drone. Approach it, and tell Odyssey the bad news. She will now ask you for a new favor.

3. Take a Picture of the Skybridge

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Lights Camera Action Step 3
Odyssey will want you to take pictures of the skybridge from high vantage points. Equip your camera by swiping the touchpad up, and take a photo of skybridge from your current location similar to the one above.

4. Take Two More Pictures From Tall Buildings

Photo 1 Photo 2

Odyssey will ask you for two more pictures of the skybridge from other high vantage points. Take a picture of the skybridge from each of the two buildings shown by the in-game mission markers, similar to the images above.

5. Take Three More Pictures Depicting Student Life

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Lights Camera Action Step 4
After you're done with the skybridge pictures, Odyssey will ask another favor of taking photos involving student life. Three Photo Op icons will appear on the map, indicating where to take these pictures.

5.1 Greenhouse

Take a photo of the greenhouse being cared for by the students of Brooklyn Visions Academy. Equip your camera and try to make the greenhouse be the center of the photo, similar to the picture above.

5.2 Esports Team

The Esports Team will be located inside a white and gray building, but you will only need to take a photo outside their clubroom. Simply take a photo outside the building, and aim it similarly to the picture located above.

5.3 Drone Club

For the Drone Club, head towards the football field of Brooklyn Visions Academy and take a photo of the members flying their drones. It is advisable that the actuals drones they are using are part of the photo.

6. Head Towards Odyssey and the Fixed Drone

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Lights Camera Action Step 6
Odyssey will ask you to take a tour of the school and record it through a one continuous shot. Meet her up on the roof of a building indicated by the mission marker.

7. Follow the Drone and Don't Land on the Ground

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Lights Camera Action Step 7
You will need to follow the trails of the drone and traverse through the area with your swinging and gliding. Be sure to maintain aerial momentum at all times, and chase after the drone's path.

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