Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Set Things Right Walkthrough

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Spiderman 2 PS5 - Set Things Right Mission Walkthrough

Set Things Right is one of the Main Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5) for Peter Parker. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete Set Things Right!

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Set Things Right Overview

Mission Information

Set Things Right
Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon Main Mission
Involved Heroes Peter Parker
Rewards XP Reward: 2500
I'd better get to City Hall, Miles seemed worried. Could Harry be there, too?

Starting Location

Map View In-Game View

Set Things Right starts at the City Hall in the south side of the Financial District. A cutscene will automatically play once you get near the building.

Set Things Right Walkthrough

  1. Fight the Symbiotes
  2. Clear the Roof
  3. Unlock the Door
  4. Fight the Symbiote Source
  5. Survive the Ambush
  6. Purge the Symbiote
  7. Fight!
  8. Defeat the Symbiotes

Fight the Symbiotes

Spider-Man 2 - Fight the Symbiotes

When you start the mission, you will need to fight the symbiotes surrounding City Hall. Despite being regular mobs, the symbiotes can be tough and deal lots of damage, so do not hold back in using your abilities and gadgets to help you fight them.

Clear the Roof

Spider-Man 2 - Clear the Roof

After you beat the symbiotes on the ground, find your way up to the roof of City Hall and clear the roof of the symbiotes there. Similarly, keep utilizing your gadgets and abilities to clear them out quickly.

Unlock the Door

Spider-Man 2 - Unlock the Door

Once you clear the roof, approach the closed door and open it by pressing L1 + R1 and then pulling back your left and right thumbsticks. This will play a cutscene of a larger symbiote and you will switch to Miles.

Find the Symbiote Source

Spider-Man 2 - Find the Symbiote Source

When you switch to Miles, you will first have to follow the Li's demon form as you swing through the corrupted city. Then, go through the portal and follow Martin Li as he leads you around the building.

Survive the Ambush

Spider-Man 2 - Survive the Ambush

Eventually, you will get attacked by negative creatures. There will be a large number of them, but you can survive the ambush by using your AOE abilities and gadgets to manage them. Make sure to also launch them in the air so you do not get overwhelmed on the ground.

Purge the Symbiote

Spider-Man 2 - Purge the Symbiote

Afterwards, keep following Martin Li through the portal and use your web wings to glide towards Peter's isolated house. Head to his room in the 2nd room and pull on the wall to open up another portal to F.E.A.S.T. Just move forward until you find the red symbiote source.


Spider-Man 2 - Fight!

Once the cutscene ends, a hoard of symbiotes will appear. You will be prompted to use Miles' new skill, Galvanize, by pressing L1 + X. Then, proceed to use your abilities and gadgets to defeat all the symbiotes around you.

When you defeat all of them, go back to Martin Li and help him fully purge the source by timing your button press indicated on screen.

Galvanize Cutscene Bug

Some players may encounter a bug where pressing L1 + X does not trigger the Galvanize skill, which stops mission progression. A possible solution for this is to go to the PlayStation home screen and close the game. Then, open the game to load your most recent save file, and you should be able to activate it now.

Defeat the Symbiotes

Spider-Man 2 - Defeat the Symbiotes

After you purge the source, you will give Peter a new Anti-Venom suit which lets him use new abilities. Try out your new skills against the symbiotes as the button prompts pop up on screen, and eliminate them all. Then, defeat the Symbiote Behemoth by parrying his heavy attacks, and utilizing your new skills.

At the end, another cutscene will play which completes the mission, and you will unlock more Symbiote Nests locations.

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