Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Trouble With Harry Walkthrough

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Spiderman 2 PS5 - Trouble With Harry Mission Walkthrough

Trouble With Harry is one of the Main Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5) for both Peter and Miles. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete Trouble With Harry!

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Don't Be Scared This Isn't You

Trouble With Harry Overview

Mission Information

Trouble With Harry
Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon Main Mission
Involved Heroes Peter Parker and Miles Morales
Rewards XP Reward: 2500
The Symbiote is evolving - it's too powerfyl for Harry to fight against.I need to find him and figure out how to get that thing off him.

Starting Location

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Trouble With Harry Walkthrough

  1. Tap into Oscorp Network
  2. Pinpoint Harry's Badge
  3. Defeat All the Symbiotes
  4. Head to the Shipyard
  5. Collect Sonic Elements
  6. Record Rotor Noise from Helicopter
  7. Survive the Symbiote Swarm
  8. Head Towards Frederick Douglass Circle
  9. Defeat the Symbiotes
  10. Head Towards Rio and Ganke
  11. Find the Center of the Nest
  12. Place Sonic Bursts
  13. Defend the Sonic Burst While They Synchronize

Tap into Oscorp Network

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 1.png
You will be prompted to press Triangle in order for you to tap into Oscorp Network. After executing the prompt, follow the spherical burst of network signals emitting from various locations around the city.

Pinpoint Harry's Badge

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 2.png
After following the trail of network signals, you will be led to the location of Harry's badge. Follow the mission tracker, and make your way along the path.

Defeat All the Symbiotes

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 3.png
A swarm of symbiotes will be surrounding you after the cutscene plays out of a civilian being controlled by a symbiote. Defeat all the symbiotes in the area.

Head to the Shipyard

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 4.png
You will be using Miles as your playable character this time. Follow the mission tracker, and head to the shipyard.

Collect Sonic Elements

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 5.png
From there, hold L2 to locate resonant objects in the area. After analyzing the necessary objects in the area, you will be prompted to produce the sonic frequency that emits from the items you've analyzed.

Magnetic Lift

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 5.1.png
Aim your scanner on a magnetic lift located in the area. You will be able to pinpoint its location by checking the in-game map on your bottom right.

After pressing L1 and R1 to produce the sonic frequency from the magnetic lift, you will be greeted by a swarm of symbiotes.


Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 5.2.png
Try aiming your scanner on the white ship located near the shipyard. Follow the tracker, and press L1 and Square to generate electricity towards the ship.

This will cause the ship to move towards the runway, and generate a sonic frequency from the bell attached on the top of the seafaring vehicle.

Another swarm of symbiotes will be encountered during your progress.

Record Rotor Noise from Helicopter

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 6.png
You will need to record the sound frequency of the rotor from a nearby helicopter in your area. Make your way towards the helicopter, and press Triangle when prompted.

Survive the Symbiote Swarm

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 7.png
Defeat the symbiotes in the area, or survive the swarm until Peter arrives in the vicinity. Once Peter gets to your location, the Concussion Burst will now be upgraded to the Sonic Burst.

Test out the upgraded gadget, and defeat the remaining symbiotes in the area.

List of Gadgets

Head Towards Frederick Douglass Circle

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 8.png
You will now be using Peter as your playable character. Follow the mission tracker, and head towards the Frederick Douglass Circle.

Defeat the Symbiotes

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 9.png
Defeat all the symbiotes running rampant around the area. Use the Sonic Burst gadget to make easy work of them.

Head Towards Rio and Ganke

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 10.png
Follow the mission tracker to head towards Rio and Ganke. A cutscene will play out with Rio and Ganke explaining the situation to both Spider-Men.

Find the Center of the Nest

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 11.png
Make your way towards the center of the nest. Scan the area for a yellow orb surrounded by tendrils in the area, and fire your Sonic Burst gadget at it.

This will open up a path for you towards the center of the nest.

Place Sonic Bursts

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 12.png
Once the center of the nest is located, place the Sonic Bursts when prompted.

Defend the Sonic Burst While They Synchronize

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Trouble With Harry Step 13.png
A timer will appear on the top left of your screen, counting down from approximately two minutes.

You will need to defend the Sonic Bursts while they synchronize, so make sure no symbiote goes near it while the timer is running.

After completing this mission, you will unlock the Symbiote Nests Side Missions.

All Symbiote Nest Locations and Suit Reward

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