Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

List of Gadgets

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Spider-Man 2 - List of Gadgets

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) features new and returning gadgets that can be upgraded to be used in combat and during missions. Read on to see what the best gadgets to upgrades are, a list of gadgets, gadget upgrade costs, and how to upgrade gadgets.

Best Gadgets to Upgrade

  1. Web Grabber
  2. Web Shooters
  3. Upshot
  4. Concussion Burst/Sonic Burst
  5. Ricochet Web

Web Grabber

Despite being one of the earlier gadgets you can unlock, we highly recommend prioritizing upgrades to Web Grabber. Not only does Web Grabber's range increase but this gadget also pulls in throwables from the environment, effectively damaging enemies as they get pulled together.

Further upgrades will allow this gadget to pull in Brutes as well as increase the amount of enemies that get pulled in at once.

Web Grabber Upgrades and Cost ▼

Web Shooters

Arguably the most iconic of Spider-Man's gadgets, Web Shooters should be prioritized next when is comes to gadget upgrades. Web Shooters can be used in any situation and upgrades to this gadget increases its maximum capacity to twelve slots while adding utility through its crowd controlling abilities with Splash Zone and Web Burst.

Web Shooters Upgrades and Cost ▼


Another gadget unlocked early on, Upshot can be a decent gadget to upgrade thanks to the crowd control it provides. Upgrades to this gadget increase its total charges and includes the ability to launch Brute enemies in the air.

Upshot Upgrades and Cost ▼

Concussion Burst/Sonic Burst

Concussion Burst gets unlocked later in the game specifically once your character reaches Level 11. Upgrades to this gadget increases its chargers and blast radius while also disarming enemies which can be useful when fighting larger groups of enemies.

Concussion Burst Upgrades and Cost ▼

Ricochet Web

The final gadget unlocked in the game, Ricochet Web unlocks at Level 16 and while it can be used to slow down bigger groups of enemies, this gadget feels more useful in certain situations rather than something you'd constantly use in combat.

Should you have extra Tech Parts and Tokens on hand, upgrades to this gadget would be good as its charges and range would be increased.

Ricochet Web Upgrades and Cost ▼

List of Gadgets and Upgrades

Gadgets make their return in Spider-Man 2 as pieces of Spider-Tech that Peter and Miles can use in their combat arsenal. So far a total of five gadgets appear to be available, each with their respective upgrades.
Found in the Gadgets menu, they are:

  1. Web Shooters
  2. Upshot
  3. Web Grabber
  4. Concussion Burst
  5. Ricochet Web

Web Shooters

Spider-Man 2 - Web Shooter

A returning gadget from the previous games, Web Shooters allows you to fire webbing at enemies to stick them to walls or simply web them up. The capacity has been increased to twelve slots and their recharge rate has been accelerated.

Web Shooter Upgrades

Upgrade Cost and Description Level Req.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786200/775f9ec52d607709883a80147d4d95c9.png/originalIncreased Recharge
Increases how quickly Web-Shooters refill.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786198/613bdd732f5b92f90284c7483aaa5e2d.png/originalIncreased Capacity
Increases max shot count by 4.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786201/d77fc75815a5d5bcc4c39adcb31e85b1.png/originalRecycle
Increases Focus gain from hitting enemies with Web-Shooters.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786195/a0d0f1914ffaace99c9f0090ef83a8ee.png/originalSplash Zone
Every third Web Shot at a single enemy creates a small Splash Zone that adds webing to nearby enemies.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786199/41c3e2d3d1d8b370918e23c91004622f.png/originalWeb Burst
Webbing up a standard size enemy at point blank range causes the enemy to fly back.

Web Shooter Gadget and Upgrades


Spider-Man 2 - Upshot

Upshot deploys a drone that shoots webbing at nearby enemies then tosses them into the air. This can be used either offensively or defensively, allowing players to head straight into aerial combos or delay enemy attacks.

Upshot Upgrades

Upgrade Cost and Description Level Req.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786193/c65bc5c8167d5c531d222dee441b690d.png/originalIncreased Capacity I
Increases max shot count by 1.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786196/04be601ed337b434cdc6fd84d6e4da21.png/originalHeavy Pop Up
A stronger thrust allows projectiles to lift Brute enemies.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786197/62294043d3f1733b051b182e5f81ce50.png/originalIncreased Capacity II
Increases max shot count by 1.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786194/24b7d113cac01a11eae90835c994d443.png/originalFire Power
Increases the amount of projectiles fired in a single volley.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786192/3c89aeecb0dff966c0528e6e74dfe1f9.png/originalProjectile Launch
Firing the gadget causes an additional burst that knocks enemies away.

Upshot Gadget and Upgrades

Web Grabber

Web Grabber fires webbing within a radius that pulls both enemies and surrounding objects to the center when triggered. This gadget can be deployed to engage in fights against larger groups of enemies as its crowd control easily allows you to follow up with a flurry of attacks.

Web Grabber Upgrades

Upgrade Cost and Description Level Req.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786260/9d705382865e379c661e1e461ba8f954.png/originalBombard
Pull in throwables from the enviroment crashing them into enemies.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786261/1ef58e93493870e590b96ab47a91ff6b.png/originalIncreased Range
Grabs Enemies from longer distances.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786258/4067f5b7654555c3b6c5ff376d197ad5.png/originalHeave Ho!
Increased power allows for Brutes to be pulled in.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786259/e8b5c4a6203f17c4f0c166fa0fcd60d6.png/originalGrabtastic
Increases the number of enemies grabbed from 4 to 6.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786262/c4a865af4f5f5e6da3995443a4394f12.png/originalRemix
Web Grabber projectiles become electrified throwables after being deployed. Throw using L1 + R1 to electrify enemies.

Web Grabber Gadget and Upgrades

Concussion Burst

Spider-Man 2 - Concussion Burst

A new addition to Spidey's tech, Concussion Burst knocks back all nearby enemies with a blast of concussive force. As you progress in the game, this gadget upgrades to Sonic Burst.

Concussion Burst Upgrades

Upgrade Cost and Description Level Req.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786264/ac5ec8e502e37263b001c798085cfc52.png/originalBurst Disarm
Enemies drop their weapons when caught in the blast.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786263/db68b6754f89be96f4f72d69b9fd1f65.png/originalLure
When fired while in stealth, away from enemies, this device emits a sound that draws enemies to it.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786266/b18648cd5140c67505f3058c9a6cc6ec.png/originalIncreased Capacity
Increases max shot count by 1.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786267/4f36fd78c2d50cb40808ca5415324534.png/originalShockwave
Increase the blast radius.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786265/d11913c2522d613fd25c4e6f4ab8dc3a.png/originalMine Deploy
Launches three additional micro-mines that detonate with a small concussive blast when enemies apporach.

Concussion Burst Gadget and Upgrades

Ricochet Web

Spider-Man 2 - Miles webbing an enemy

Another newcomer to the arsenal is Ricochet Web which, as the name may suggest, is a gadget that shoots a projectile that bounces off and webs up enemies.

Ricochet Web Upgrades

Upgrade Cost and Description Level Req.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786272/0feb34d89b2aba00680639defb06c812.png/originalKinetic Translation
Enemies are pushed further back when webbed up by the Ricochet Web.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786270/7d188abdd0cb2f5ac2894a82388a9c9a.png/originalIncreased Capacity
Increases max shot count by 1.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786268/4c768d2c5a4ab791f882adb59d4b71aa.png/originalIncreased Potency
Increases the number of Richocet Web bounces between targets.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786271/6578b346f023a84e5abcedbf73010da2.png/originalWeb Punch
Initial shot knocks back enemies with more force and instantly webs up Brutes.
Spider-Man 2 - https://img.game8.co/3786269/ede438c0f95c3d34e4462e9881dbdd00.png/originalSplit Shot
Allows Web Shots to split on ricochet to hit more targets.

Ricochet Web Gadget and Upgrades

How to Upgrade Gadgets

Explore New York and Complete Activities

Spider-Man 2 - Upgrade gadgets

As mentioned in the video showcasing an expanded look at Marvel's New York, gadgets can be upgraded by exploring more of the city as well as completing various activities.

Players can complete Missions to earn City Tokens and Tech Parts as well as take on other activities in the city such as unlocking Landmarks, and even taking pictures at Photo Op Locations!

Interactive Map of New York's Districts

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) Related Guides

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Spider-Man 2 - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks Spider-Man 2 Partial Banner Map and LocationsMap and Locations
Spider-Man 2 - Suits Partial Banner Suits Spider-Man 2- List of GadgetsGadgets
Spider-Man 2 - CharactersCharacters Spider-Man 2 - CharactersSuit Tech
Spider-Man 2 - CollectiblesCollectibles Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - BossesBosses
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