Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Will Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Be Released on PS4 and Xbox? | All Available Platforms

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Spider-Man 2 - Available Platforms
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has been marketed as a Playstation 5 exclusive ever since its announcement, however, there might still be hope for other platforms. Read on to learn if Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will ever swing its way to PS4 and Xbox.

Spider-Man 2 Available Platforms

Spider-Man 2 is a PS5 Exclusive

Spider-Man 2 PS5 Exclusive

Spider-Man-2 was anounced to be a PS5-exclusive on launch during its announcement in Sony's Playstation Showcase back in 2021. Since then it has been marketed as a PS5-exclusive title.

Is Spider-Man 2 Playable on PS4?

Unlikely for the PlayStation 4

Spider-Man 2 will not be playable on the PS4. With the PS5 being the current generation console for Sony, it is unlikely that newer titles will be released for the PS4 as game developers are already developing games primarily tailored for current gen consoles.

Unlikely for Other Consoles Such as Xbox and Nintendo Switch

In addition, as a Sony-exclusive title, it also unlikely that Spider-Man 2 will ever be released to its direct competitor, Microsoft's Xbox Series X | S.

As for the Nintendo Switch, it is also unlikely that it will ever get a port as its hardware may not be powerful enough for a game such as this.

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