Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

One Thing at a Time Walkthrough

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One Thing at a Time is one of the Main Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5) for both Peter and Miles. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete One Thing at a Time!

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One Thing at a Time Overview

Mission Information

One Thing at a Time
Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon Main Mission
Involved Heroes Peter Parker and Miles Morales
Rewards XP Reward: 700
Marko made a city-sized mess. Gotta clean this up and get back to Brooklyn Visions or I'm going to get fired.

Starting Location

Map View In-Game View

One Thing At A Time is the second mission focusing on the aftermath of Sandman's rampage. This automatically starts with Peter in the Financial District.

One Thing at a Time Walkthrough

  1. Help Citizens in Distress
  2. Clear the Obstruction
  3. Get to the Rooftop and Launch a FRND Drone
  4. Respond to the Reported Crime
  5. Stop the Criminals Robbing the Gun Club
  6. Get to the Next Rooftop
  7. Respond to the Reported Crime
  8. Rescue the Civilians
  9. Investigate the Crystal
  10. Rescue Limo Passenger
  11. Carry JJJ to the Hospital

Help Citizens in Distress

Spider-Man 2 - One Thing At A Time - Help Citizens

Time to clean up Sandman's mess and help those in need!

Scan your surroundings to display the current objective, as well as its waypoint, in your HUD. To get to the citizen faster, zip through the posts and press the X button right as you make contact with a post to perform a Point Launch—a traversal technique that gives a huge speed boost forward.

Help the buried citizen and approach the ambulance for your next objective.

Clear the Obstruction

Spider-Man 2 - One Thing At A Time - Help Clear the Obstruction

On your right is a tanker blocking the road. Position yourself a few steps behind then grab the tanker so you can pull it backwards and clear a way.

Get to the Rooftop and Launch a FRND Drone

Spider-Man 2 - One Thing At A Time - Get to the Rooftop

Swing to the marked rooftop next and examine the launcher that Ganke set up. You'll have to control the FRND Drone as it passes through the rings leading higher above the district.

Successfully launching a FRND Drone reveals part of the subdistrict, including the available side missions, collectibles, and other activities within the area. Find these FRND Drone launchers across the city to brighten up your map!

Respond to the Reported Crime

Spider-Man 2 - One Thing At A Time - Respond to Crime

Now that the network's back online, you'll be up to date with the crimes near you! It also just happens that there is one ongoing near you. Glide down to the marked area and deal with the criminals.

Stop the Criminals Robbing the Gun Club

Spider-Man 2 - One Thing At A Time - Stop the Criminals

Quickly assemble the Upshot gadget on the spot and use it on the advancing criminals. This gadget suspends nearby enemies in midair which you can chain with yanks or air combos. You can also use it to immobilize enemies if you're getting overwhelmed.

Defeat all enemies to proceed to the next objective.

Get to the Next Rooftop

Spider-Man 2 - One Thing At A Time - Get to the Next Rooftop

Switch to Miles through the FNSM app and head to the rooftop marked on your map. Peter said "nearby" rooftop but you're actually more than a kilometer away from it.

To find the next launcher, first find the sand mound in front of the door and break the pipes open to wash away the sand. Hope it didn't break the launcher.

Respond to the Reported Crime

Spider-Man 2 - One Thing At A Time - Stop the Other Criminals

Another drone up and another reported crime right on cue! Glide down and deal with the criminals inside the building.

Rescue the Civilians

Spider-Man 2 - One Thing At A Time - Rescue the Civilians

You'll receive another mission from the FNSM App right away, pointing you to a burning office with civilians trapped inside. Go inside the building and break the sprinkler to put out the fire.

Apparently, a crystal similar to what you found within Sandman's body was the reason a gas line burst and caused the fire.

Investigate the Crystal

Spider-Man 2 - One Thing At A Time - Investigate the Crystal

Get close enough to crystal and you'll be attacked with Marko's Sand Clones. One you've dealt with them you can safely extract the crystal unlocking Marko's Memory fragments as a collectible.

Rescue Limo Passenger

Spider-Man 2 - One Thing At A Time - Rescue the Limo Passenger

Swing to the location of the limo and you'll find some criminals trying to hijack it.

Carry JJJ to the Hospital

Spider-Man 2 - One Thing At A Time - Carry JJJ to the Hospital
After dealing with them, you'll find that the VIP is none other than J. Jonah Jameson himself. Take him on your back and swing him to the nearest hospital to end the mission.

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New Threads It Chose You
Wake Up I'm the Hero Here
No Escape Anything Can Be Broken
Don't Be Scared Trouble With Harry
This Isn't You Set Things Right
It's All Connected Finally Free


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