Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Ending Explained

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Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Ending Explained
Spider-Man 2 (PS5) tied up some loose ends during its finale, but it also introduced possible storylines for future installments. Read on to learn about the ending of the game, and the future stories the franchise might take.

Ending Explained

  1. Peter and Miles Saves Harry
  2. Norman Lashes Out
  3. Peter Resigns as Spider-Man
  4. Otto Octavius Returns
  5. Cindy Moon Makes an Appearance

Peter and Miles Saves Harry

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Ending Explained Peter and Miles Saves Harry
In the epic climax of the game, Peter was able to rid the symbiote off from Harry using his Anti-Venom abilities. As Harry began to regain his consciousness, the Particle Accelerator exploded with a burst of energy that turned all New York residents back to normal.

Peter and Mary Jane began to lose hope for Harry's life, until Miles proposed that they shock him back to life using his own Venom abilities. Harry woke up after the procedure, but he remained unconscious up to the point where Peter brought him to a hospital.

Norman Lashes Out

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Ending Explained Norman Lashes Out
After seeing Harry's condition, Norman lashes out in anger and shatters every breakable object in the room. He makes a phone call to someone, and tells the person on the other line to have the G-Serum ready.

Peter Resigns as Spider-Man

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Ending Explained Peter Resigns as Spider-Man
After settling in with Mary Jane Watson, Peter makes the decision of retiring as Spider-Man and giving Miles the responsibility of protecting New York City.

Miles reassures his mentor, telling him that he should go be Peter Parker for a while. After the conversation, Peter and Mary Jane share an intimate kiss.

Otto Octavius Returns

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Ending Explained Otto Octavius Returns
In the mid-credits scene, Norman Osborn decides to visit an old friend in prison. He meets up with Otto Octavius, and asks about Spider-Man's identity as he sees him responsible for Harry's condition.

Otto tells Norman that everyone must experience loss. After being refused an answer, Norman asks what Otto was writing. Otto replies with the following words: 'The final chapter'.

Cindy Moon Makes an Appearance

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Ending Explained Cindy Moon Makes an Appearance
In the post-credits scene, Miles shares a kiss with Hailey in his bedroom. Afterwards, they head to Rio Morales who is getting ready for her date.

Rio nervously introduces Albert Moon to Miles and Hailey. Albert responded in turn and presented his daughter Cindy, a possible friend and ally to Miles and his future heroics.

Who is Cindy Moon?

Possible Future Storylines

  1. The Rise of Green Goblin
  2. Doctor Octopus and the Sinister Six
  3. Silk's Superhero Debut

The Rise of Green Goblin

The G-Serum mentioned in Norman's phone conversation can be speculated to be the Goblin Formula, a serum that created the Green Goblin persona of Norman Osborn.

It is possible that Spider-Man's nemesis in the comics may finally appear in future installments, but only time will tell on who will don the Green Goblin mantle.

Doctor Octopus and the Sinister Six

Otto Octavius may come back in full form as Doctor Octopus in future games. It is still uncertain on whether he would act alone, or recruit other villains to join his cause and reform the Sinister Six.

Silk's Superhero Debut

It can be speculated that Cindy Moon will take on her superhero persona as Silk in future installments. With Peter resigning from the hero business, Miles will need all the help he can get from any new addition to the spider team.

It is also possible that Cindy may become a playable character, depending on whether a sequel game gets lit. Spider-Man 2 (PS5) has already proven that two Spider-Men can work, so why not include another one in the mix.

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