Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Make Your Own Choices Walkthrough

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Make Your Own Choices is one of the Main Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5) for Miles Morales. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete Make Your Own Choices!

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Bad Guys On The Block Master Illusionist

Make Your Own Choices Overview

Mission Information

Make Your Own Choices
Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon Main Mission
Involved Heroes Miles Morales
Rewards XP Reward: 2000

Starting Location

Spider-Man 2 - Photo Missing Notice I want pictures of Spider-Man!
Our team still needs to take photos of this location! We'll get them up as soon as possible!

Make Your Own Choices Walkthrough

  1. Head to the Marked Location
  2. Check Out the Safehouse Rooftop
  3. Investigate the Area
  4. Head to the Safehouse
  5. Follow the Hunter Gunship
  6. Clear the Hunters
  7. Chase Black Cat
  8. Fend Off the Hunters

Head to the Marked Location

Spiderman 2 PS5 - heading to the first safehouse

Soon after completing the previous main mission, MJ will call about one of Black Cat's safehouses. The location will then be marked on your map, in the southeast section of Midtown.

Check Out the Safehouse Rooftop

Spiderman 2 PS5 - scratch marks under the bed

Scan the overturned bed with L2 and solve the atom isolation puzzle by destroying the corrupted atoms.

Investigate the Area

Spiderman 2 PS5 - safe box

Solving the puzzle will reveal marks on the floor. Follow it to an opened safe on the wall then scan the box for more clues. Scan the marks on the same wall to reconstruct the scene where Black Cat escaped.

Head to the Safehouse

Spiderman 2 PS5 - generator on second safehouse

Right on timing! Swing by the safehouse where you saw the explosion. Examine the generator on the rooftop and the locked stash on the south side of the building to continue with the investigation.

Your objective is to have electricity flowing from the generator to the safe through your webs.

Charge the generator with Venom Punch (L1 + square button)
Aim at the node on the generator with L2 and press R1 to start a tether connection
Connect the generator node to another node on the west side of the building with R1
Look south of the previous node for another pole with a node then connect the two to each other
Finally, connect the stash node to unlock it

Open the stash to find a photo of the Eiffel Tower and a cutscene.

Follow the Hunter Gunship

Spiderman 2 PS5 - chasing the gunship

Jump off the building and find out where the gunship will lead you. At the end of the trip, you'll arrive at the Sanctum Sanctorum.

Clear the Hunters

Spiderman 2 PS5 - clear the hunters

You'll have to take out all the Hunters on the rooftops surrounding the Sanctum. This can be done without being seen, using the combination of Miles' camouflage (by pressing the up button on the D-pad), the Web Line, and takedowns.

Be careful around Talon Drones as they can spot you from higher up. Take them out as soon as you can so you can safely pick the Hunters one by one.

Chase Black Cat

Spiderman 2 PS5 - chasing Black Cat

Chase Black Cat as she creates portals to get away. You will occasionally get prompts to web tunnel through the bigger portals she makes.

You will end up in a park that will soon be crawling with Hunters.

Fend Off the Hunters

Spiderman 2 PS5 - fighting hunters

Defeat the incoming Hunters together with Black Cat to complete the mission.

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Spiderman 2 PS5 - Story Walkthrough banner

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Wake Up I'm the Hero Here
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Don't Be Scared Trouble With Harry
This Isn't You Set Things Right
It's All Connected Finally Free


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