Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Guardian Slideshow Walkthrough

This is a guide to the Shrine Quest, Guardian Slideshow, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start Guardian Slideshow and all quest rewards.

How to Start Guardian Slideshow

Guardian Slideshow Location

Quest Giver Loone
Location Puffer Beach
Region Lake

Talk to Loone on Puffer Beach to start the quest. Puffer Beach is located near Faron Sea, which is found south of the Lake Tower.

Guardian Slideshow Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Loone

Objectives Guide
1 Talk to Loone Talk to Loone, who is holding the key to the shrine, and she will indirectly ask you to take a picture of 3 types of Guardians.

Take a Picture of the Guardians

2 Take a picture of the Guardians Find the types of Guardians that she wants to see and take a picture of them using your Camera rune.

Make sure to have the red exclamation point before taking the shot for the photo to count.

Hyrule Castle is swarming with Guardian Stalkers and Guardian Skywatchers, as well as safe spots where you can take picture of them.

You can find Guardian Scouts in any shrine with "Test of Strength" trials. Just wait for a blood moon to respawn them if you just defeated them recently.

Return to Loone

3 Talk to Loone Upon returning to Loone and showing her the pictures of the various Guardians, she will let you have the Ancient Orb, which you can then use to unlock Shoqa Tatone Shrine nearby.

Guardian Slideshow Quest Rewards

Shoqa Tatone Shrine

Complete the shrine quest to unlock the Shoqa Tatone Shrine.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Guardian Slideshow.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Loone, lover of all things ancient, can't bear to part with her precious orb, Roscoe. Although, if you could somehow show her images of three types of Guardians, she may change her tune.

Figure out some way to safely show her what the different Guardians look like. The three include small Guardians, flying Guardians, and Guardians that walk around.
Quest Clear Loone, lover of all things ancient, relinquished her orb once you showed her pictures of the three types of Guardians.
When you placed the orb into the pedestal, an ancient shrine appeared!

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

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