Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

EX Champion Urbosa's Song Walkthrough

BOTW - EX Champion Urbosa
This is a guide to the DLC Main Quest, EX Champion Urbosa's Song, in the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Read on to learn how to start the quest and conquer Champion Urbosa's Trials!

How to Start EX Champion Urbosa's Song

Map Location

Location and Quest Giver

Quest Giver ???
Location East Gerudo Mesa
Region Wasteland

Head to East Gerudo Mesa just southeast of Divine Beast Vah Naboris and look for the Monument. As soon as Link gets close to the monument, an unseen voice will give him the quest.

EX Champion Urbosa's Song Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Complete the Trial at East Barrens

Objectives Guide
1 Speak to Teake in Gerudo Town Head to Gerudo Town and speak to the Teake, the Gerudo Warrior stationed at the entrance of the palace. She will tell Link about a strange type of Molduga seen near East Barrens and that a Hylian named Traysi went looking for it.
Nearby Shrine:
Daqo Chisay Shrine
2 Head to East Barrens Traysi is located soutwest of South Lomei Labyrinth on a rocky outcropping in the sand.
Nearby Shrine:
Dila Maag Shrine
Suma Sahma Shrine
3 Talk to Traysi Talk to her and she will mention that ever since Divine Beast Vah Naboris calmed down, a mysterious Molduga has appeared. She also mentions that this Molduga is tougher than most.
4 Defeat the Molduking The strange Molduga is in fact a Molduking. While it is tougher and has more health, you can still trick it with Remote Bombs and is susceptible to Bomb Arrows shot at its stomach.
5 Keive Tala Shrine Appears
Receive Naboris's Emblem
Defeating the Molduking causes the Keive Tala Shrine to appear near the outcropping where Traysi is camping.
Complete the shrine to receive Naboris's Emblem.
Keive Tala Shrine Walkthrough: Location and Puzzle Solution

Complete the Trial at West Barrens

Objectives Guide
1 Buy a Sand Seal in Gerudo Town Before heading to West Barrens, purchase a Sand Seal from one of the merchants in Gerudo Town.
Note: While you can use any Sand Seal for this trial, the ones bought from merchants are faster and don't run away.
2 Head to West Barrens
Shield Surf Through the Portals
Head to the southeastern part of West Barrens and look for the glowing blue ring.
The goal of this trial is to get through each ring as you make your way across the desert.
Nearby Shrine:
Daqo Chisay Shrine
3 Keive Tala Shrine Appears
Receive Naboris's Emblem
As soon as you reach the last ring, the Takama Shiri Shrine will appear.
Complete the shrine to receive Naboris's Emblem.
Takama Shiri Shrine Walkthrough: Location and Puzzle Solution

Complete the Trial at the Yiga Clan Hideout

Objectives Guide
1 Speak to Teake in Gerudo Town Head to Gerudo Town and speak to Lady Riju or Buliara in the palace. Ask either one about the Sacred orb and they will mention that a regrouped Yiga Clan stole the orb recently and will direct you to the Yiga Clan Hideout.
Nearby Shrine:
Daqo Chisay Shrine
2 Head to back part of the Yiga Clan Hideout Make your way to the back part of the Yiga Clan Hideout where you fought Master Kohga. You can get there by warping to the Gerudo Tower and climbing the cliffs.
3 Speak to Mina and Mils You will find the adventuring duo, Mina and Mils, near the false door to the Yiga Clan Hideout. Talk to Mils and he will mention that the stolen orb is in the second floor of the hideout's strage area.
4 Sneak Past the Patrols
Retrieve the Stolen Orb
Yiga Clan Blademasters patrol the storage area and will knock out Link in one hit if they spot him. Either sneak past the patrols or defeat all enemies, and head up the ladder to the second floor storage area.
5 Throw the Orb into the Bottomless Pit Grab the orb and bring it to the back area and throw it down the bottomless pit.
6 Kihiro Mo Shrine Appears
Receive Naboris's Emblem
As soon as the orb hits the bottom, Kihiro Mo Shrine will appear on the opposite side of the bottomless pit.
Complete the shrine to receive Naboris's Emblem.
Kihiro Moh Shrine Walkthrough: Location and Puzzle Solution

Complete Champion Urbosa's Final Trial

Objectives Guide
1 A Final Challenge As soon as you complete the last shrine, the Monk will offer you a final trial within Divine Beast Vah Naboris.
2 Head to Divine Beast Vah Naboris
An Illusory Realm
As soon as you approach the Divine Beast, a voice will address Link and he will be transported into an illusory realm of memories and take on Urbosa's Trial.
3 Defeat Thunderblight Ganon The trial pits Link against Thunderblight Ganon once more. Link can only use the equipment the challenge provides him for this battle.
Thunderblight Ganon Boss Guide
4 Parry its Attacks
Use the Metal Rods
Thunderblight Ganon is fast, but there's an opening right after you perfect parry its teleport attack. If you're having trouble parrying its attacks, you can always block it with Daruk's Protection.
Once Thunderblight Ganon enters its second stage, it will summon metal rods that attract lightning. Use Magnesis on these rods and bring them close to Thunderblight Ganon to damage and stun it!
5 A Champion's Memory Upon defeating Thunderblight Ganon, Kass will sing a song that unlocks a memory of Champion Urbosa.
6 Champion Urbosa Speaks
Urbosa's Fury+
Champion Urbosa will congratulate Link for completing her trial.
She will then reward Link with Urbosa's Fury+.

Quest Tips and Tricks

Use Urbosa's Fury Against Thunderblight Ganon

Link can still use his Champion Abilities once he is transported into the illusory realm. Use Urbosa's Fury to quickly deplete the boss' health.

Quest Rewards

EX Champion Urbosa's Song Rewards
Urbosa's Fury+
"Champion Urbosa's divine gift. Summons powerful lightning to the surrounding area. Trigger it with a charge attac by holding Y It now requires less time to recharge."

Adventure Log Entries

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start The scattered One-Hit Obliterator led you to a location where a stone monument with a map of trials appeared. Kass's song seems related...
One, fight the brute of the sand, Two, chase rings upon the land, Three, throw the orb underground, Champion, trials abound!
You still have three trials to complete.
1st Update The scattered One-Hit Obliterator led you to a location where a stone monument with a map of trials appeared. Kass's song seems related...
One, fight the brute of the sand, Two, chase rings upon the land, Three, throw the orb underground, Champion, trials abound!
You still have two trials to complete.
2nd Update The scattered One-Hit Obliterator led you to a location where a stone monument with a map of trials appeared. Kass's song seems related...
One, fight the brute of the sand, Two, chase rings upon the land, Three, throw the orb underground, Champion, trials abound!
You still have one trials to complete.
3rd Update You completed the three trials inscribed on the stone monument in the Gerudo region.
After you collected three of Naboris's Emblems, the monk told you to head to the Divine Beast. What awaits you there?
Go to the Divine Beast Vah Naboris to find out.
Quest Clear You defeated the phantasm of Thunderblight Ganon, which was born from your own memories and fears.
Kass's composition, entitled Champion Urbosa's Song, was so true and moving that it allowed you to visualize a memory from 100 years ago.
By conquering the trial, your sacred power has increased and Urbosa's Fury has become more efficient than ever.

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