Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

How to Get More Ice Arrows | Arrow Farming Guide

Botw - Ice Arrow Banner

This is a guide to easily getting more Ice Arrows in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Learn the best way to farm Ice Arrows, as well as other information including buy prices and locations.

Ice Arrow General Information

Ice Arrow Small Box

Base Info

Ice Arrow
Breath of the Wild - Ice Arrow
Weapon Type Arrow
Effect Ice Attacks
An arrow imbued with the power of ice. It breaks apart on impact, freezing object in the immediate area. It's incredibly effective against hot things.

How to Get Ice Arrows

Where to Buy Ice Arrows
Goron Gusto Shop (Item Shop)
Shaillu (Item Shop)
Coral Reef (Item Shop)

Locations and Prices

・Hyrule Field
・Hebra Mountains
Buy Price 20

How to Get More Ice Arrows

Purchase Ice Arrows from Fyson at Tarrey Town

Botw - Fyson Ice Arrows

The most reliable way to farm Ice Arrows is by simply buying them from Fyson at Tarrey Town.

This requires finishing the quest From the Ground UP until the fourth quest that takes you to Rito Village. Once finished, Fyson will start selling Ice Arrows in bundles of ten for 140 Rupees.

Ice Arrow Farming Tips

Sell Drops from Silver and Gold Monsters

Botw - Versus Silver Bokoblin
Silver monsters are tougher than their regular counterparts, but drop rare gemstones such as Rubies, Sapphires, and Diamonds. Gold Monsters also drop rare materials but are only available when playing Master Mode Difficulty.

Selling drops from these monsters is a great way to earn enough rupees to buy Ice Arrows from Fyson.

Early Game Rupee Farming Guide: Silver and Gold Monsters

Farosh Horn or Scale Farming

Botw - Farosh Close Up
Farosh is one of the three dragons you'll see flying around Hyrule and is also the easiest one to encounter.

All of its dragon parts sell for a good price. Farosh's Scale sells for 150 Rupees, while the Shard of Farosh's Fang and the Shard of Farosh's Horn sells for 250 and 300 Rupees respectively.

Selling drops from the great dragon is a great way to earn enough rupees to buy Ice Arrows from Fyson.

Early Game Rupee Farming Guide: Farosh Farming

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