Infinity Nikki

Risky Photography: Greedy Pouch Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Greedy Pouch Banner.png

Risky Photography: Greedy Pouch is a Random quest under the Risky Photography Series in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to unlock this quest, how to take a photo of a Greedy Pouch running away, and all its rewards here in this guide!

Risky Photography: Greedy Pouch Quest Location

Go to Stoneville

Risky Photography: Greedy Pouch is located at Stoneville, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Head to Meadow Activity Support Center Warp Spire and head southwest to reach Syfdent.

Similarly, you can come from the Stoneville Entrance Warp Spire and head northeast.

How to Unlock Risky Photography: Greedy Pouch

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Risky Photography: Greedy Pouch
Infinity Nikki - Risky Photography: Sad Sack Risky Photography: Sad Sack

Risky Photography: Greedy Pouch requires the player to finish the quest, Risky Photography: Sad Sack first to gain access.

List of All Random Quests

Risky Photography: Greedy Pouch Walkthrough

Talk To Syfdent

Infinity Nikki - Greedy Pouch Syfdent

After spotting Syfdent, talk to him once. He'll ask you for a photo of a Greedy Pouch running away.

Take a Photo of a Greedy Pouch Running

Head towards the field in front to look for the Greedy Pouch. Run up to them and be ready to snap a photo once they start running!

Risky Photography: Greedy Pouch Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

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Risky Photography: Greedy Pouch


3 Anonymous3 days

Took two pictures and then it disappeared and he wouldn't give me the text option to give the picture...

2 Plumeabout 1 month

They only spawn once a day, you'll have to go back tomorrow ^^


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