Infinity Nikki

Forced Perspective: Flying Buntings Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Forced Perspective: Flying Buntings

Forced Perspective: Flying Buntings is a Random Random Quest in Infinity Nikki Version 1.0 located in Stoneville. Learn the right camera angle to capture the flying buntings, how to unlock this quest, and all its rewards here in this guide!

Forced Perspective: Flying Buntings Quest Location

Talk to Rico in Stoneville

Forced Perspective: Flying Buntings is located in Stoneville, southwest of the Lavenfringe Fields Warp Spire! You must talk to Rico who is standing in front his house, surrounded by chickens to begin the quest.

Stoneville Map Guide

Forced Perspective: Flying Buntings Walkthrough

Take a Photo of the Two Scarecrows

How to Take the Picture of the Two Scarecrows

Bird's Eye View

How to Capture

After talking to Rico about the world of Forced Perspective, take a photo of two scarecrows holding hands and raising the Flamecrest Festival Bunting.

The scarecrows are near the lavender bushes in front of Rico. To capture the correct angle, position yourself in front of the scarecrows and adjust your camera's perspective until they appear to be holding hands. Toggle off any NPCs, Eureka Effects, or Nikki herself, and snap a photo once the viewfinder borders turn gold!

How to Unlock Forced Perspective: Flying Buntings

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Forced Perspective: Flying Buntings
Infinity Nikki - For Flamecrest Festival For Flamecrest Festival

You can unlock Forced Perspective: Flying Buntings after completing the third subquest under the Chapter 3 Main Quest!

For Flamecrest Festival Quest Guide

Forced Perspective: Flying Buntings Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

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Infinity Nikki Quest Slim

List of All Random Quests

All Forced Perspective Series Guides

Forced Perspective Quest List
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Other Random Quests in Stoneville

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3 Anonymous2 months

Thank you so much!! It really worked! <3

2 Anonymous3 months

I don't know if you fixed it already, but changing Aperture to max in the camera setting helped me


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