Gundam UC Engage

Gyunei's Jagd Doga Best Builds and Teams


Gyunei's Jagd Doga is a Generic Category Yellow Type SR Rarity Mobile Suit in Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage. Learn more about this Mobile Suit's basic info, skills, and which gacha you can get it in below!

Gyunei's Jagd Doga Basic Info

Gyunei's Jagd Doga Overview

[M0104] Gyunei's Jagd Doga
PvE Rank PvP Rank
- -
Rarity Category Type
SR MementoMori - Generic Icon Generic Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage- Yellow ImageYellow

Note on SR-Rarity Units

We strongly recommend you avoid investing in this MS as it has limited uses in battle and is easily obtained.

Gyunei's Jagd Doga Skills and Stats

Skills Overview

EX Skill (Lv. 5): Beam Rifle
To one targeted enemy unit, 527% ATK damage
And 20 second(s), increase beam damage taken by 40%
Skill 1 (Lv. 2)
Starting 30 second(s) after battle begins, increase beam damage by 16%
Skill 2 (Lv. 2)
On evading, for 10 second(s), increase beam damage by 18% (Stack up to 5 time(s))

Stats Overview

CP 243140 ATK 3574
HP 38296 DEF 3403
Increase Projectiles 976 Increase Beam 1316
Reduce Projectiles 976 Reduce Beam 1316
Critical Value 561 Increase Critical 561

Stats shown here are when the unit is at Level 106, Customization Level 10, Skill Rate 10, and default Unit Enhancement Level.

Unit Categories Overview

[M0104] Gyunei's Jagd Doga Unit Categories
Second Neo Zeon War
Psycho-Frame Type
High Firepower
Green Mobile Suit

Gyunei's Jagd Doga Best Terrain


Gyunei's Jagd Doga Available Gachas

Gyunei's Jagd Doga Banners

List of Gacha Banners

Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage Related Guides

Mobile Suits - Gundam UC Engage List of All Mobile Suits

Mobile Suits by Rarity
UR Mobile Suits SR Mobile Suits
R Mobile Suits
Mobile Suits by Type
Red Green
Blue Yellow
Mobile Suits by Category
Raid Armored
Generic Bombardment
Sniper Support
Close Combat

All SR Rarity Mobile Suits

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GyuneiGyunei's Jagd Doga Galluss J - Gundam UC EngageGalluss J


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