Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

How to Get the Radiant Tights and Upgrades

This is a guide to Radiant Tights, Greaves of the Radiant set in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Read on to see information about this armor piece including stats, upgrade materials, effects, and prices.

Radiant Tights Stats and Effects

Base Info

Radiant Tights
Breath of the Wild - Radiant Tights
Armor Type Greaves
Upgradeable Yes
Base Defense Rating 3
Max Defense Rating 20
Effect Stal Lure, Stal Disguise: Skeleton enemies won't attack you until you attack them.
Tights sold by the Gerudo Secret Club. Paint made from crushed luminous stones causes them to glow in the dark.

Radiant Set Pieces

The Radiant Tights is part of the Radiant Set. Equip all pieces for the set bonus to take effect.

Radiant Set
Radiant Mask IconRadiant Mask Radiant Shirt IconRadiant Shirt Radiant Tights IconRadiant Tights
Set Bonus Disguise; Bone Atk. Up

Radiant Tights Upgrades and Required Materials

Upgrade Defense Rating Required Materials
1 5
Bokoblin Guts IconBokoblin Guts (×3)
2 8
Moblin Guts IconMoblin Guts (×3)
3 12
Luminous Stone IconLuminous Stone (×10)
Molduga Guts IconMolduga Guts (×2)
4 20
Luminous Stone IconLuminous Stone (×20)
Lynel Guts IconLynel Guts (×1)

How to Get the Radiant Tights

How to Get the Radiant Tights

How to Get the Radiant Tights
Gerudo Secret Club (Armor Shop)

Locations and Prices

Gerudo Town
Buy Price 800
Sell Price 200

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

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Return to List of Armor

List of Armors by Type

BotW Armor Types
Headgear Tunic Greaves

List of All Greaves

Ancient Greaves Barbarian Leg Wraps Climbing Boots
Desert Voe Trousers Flamebreaker Boots Gerudo Sirwal
Hylian Trousers Phantom Ganon Greaves Phantom Greaves
Radiant Tights Royal Guard Boots Rubber Tights
Salvager Trousers Sand Boots Snow Boots
Snowquill Trousers Soldier's Greaves Stealth Tights
Tingle's Tights Trousers of the Wild Well-Worn Trousers
Zora Greaves Dark Trousers Fierce Deity Boots
Trousers of the Sky Trousers of Time Trousers of Twilight
Trousers of the Hero Trousers of the Wind


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