Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Zora Stone Monuments Walkthrough | All Zora Stone Monuments Locations

Zora Stone Monuments walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, Zora Stone Monuments, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start Zora Stone Monuments, and all quest rewards.

How to Start Zora Stone Monuments

Jiahto location

Zora Stone Monuments Location

Quest Giver Jiahto
Location Zora's Domain
Region Lanayru

Talk to Jiahto in Zora's Domain to start the quest. You can find him on the floor below the throne room.

Zora Stone Monuments Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Find the Stone Monuments

Objectives Guide
Talk to Jiahto
Talk to Jiahto to start the quest. He will ask you to find the other 10 stone monuments so that he can compile their information.
2 Examine the stone monuments You can easily spot these monuments by looking for slabs with ancient writings and blue torches on both sides. You need to examine each of them for the completion of the quest.

You can also talk to Jiahto again for clues on where to find them.
Zora Stone Monument Locations
South of Lulu Lake
West coast of Ruto Lake
East of Ruto Lake, by the road leading to the Great Zora Bridge
North of Divine Beast Vah Ruta
Eastern area of Zodobon Highlands
Below Luto's Crossing
Near the peak of Ruto Mountain
Below Ralis Pond, surrounded by a number of Lizalfos
On the southern cliff of Upland Zorana
West of Rutala Dam

Return to Jiahto

3 Talk to Jiahto Return to Jiahto after examining all 10 monuments to receive a Diamond.

Zora Stone Monuments Quest Rewards

Zora Stone Monuments reward 1

After telling Jiahto all the information written on the 10 stone monuments around Zora's Domain, he will reward you with a Diamond.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Zora Stone Monuments.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start After hearing Jiahto's request, you agreed to search for the stone monuments in the area surrounding Zora's Domain.

Not counting the monument in Zora's Domain, there are 10 to find in total.
1st Update You searched the area surrounding Zora's Domain high and low and found all ten stone monuments.

Report your findings to Jiahto.
Quest Clear You found all ten stone monuments and reported back to Jiahto.

Jiahto will benefit greatly from this.

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