Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Where to Farm Diamonds: Locations and Prices

This is a guide to farming Diamonds, a material in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Learn where to get Diamonds, its buy and sell prices, as well as what you can do with it.

Diamond General Info

Diamond Image
Item Type Treasures
The most precious gem one can find in Hyrule, its signature sparkle has charmed Hyruleans for generations. As such, it has sold for a very high price since ancient times.

Diamond Buy Prices

Buy Price 2000 / -

Where to Farm Diamonds

Diamond Locations and Sources

Ores, Monster Drop
Dropped By
Frost Talus Igneo Talus Stone Talus (Rare) Stone Talus (Luminous)
Golden Lynel Silver Lynel Golden Lizalfos Silver Lizalfos
Golden Moblin Silver Moblin Golden Bokoblin Silver Bokoblin

Drops from the Talus Monsters

Talus Name Talus Hidden Talus Revealed
Stone Talus Stone Talus in Disguise Stone Talus (Luminous) - Koukot Plateau.JPG
Frost Talus Frost Talus in Disguise Frost Talus - Laparoh Mesa
Igneo Talus Igneo Talus in Disguise Igneo Talus - Darb Pond

The most efficient way, albeit a time-consuming one, to farm for Diamond is to defeat the Stone Talus (Luminous), Stone Talus (Rare), Frost Talus and Igneo Talus. Their locations are described in the table below.

Stone Talus (Luminous) Locations
Upland Lindor

Fast travel to Ridgeland Tower and glide towards the mountain area to find the Stone Talus.
Lake Kolomo

Glide down to the lake from Great Plateau Tower. The Stone Talus is located in the middle of the lake.
Crenel Hills

Fast travel to Namika Ozz Shrine to reach Crenel Hills and travel North until you reach the wide area on the edge of Crenel Hills.
Oseira Plains

Fast travel to Lake Tower and glide West till you reach the mountain beside Oseira Plain where you'll find the Stone Talus.
Mount Nabooru

Fast travel to Wasteland Tower and glide North-East to reach Mount Nabooru.
Meadela's Mantle

Koukot Plateau

Fast travel to Wasteland Tower again and glide North this time to reach Koukot Plateau. Notable landmark is the watchtower-like structure on the edge of the mountain.
Gerudo Desert Getaway

Fast travel to Kay Noh Shrine and climb the mountain behind Gerudo Canyon Stable to the highest point to locate the Stone Talus.
Champion's Gate

Fast travel to Wasteland Tower and glide South while staying close to the edge of the mountain to reach this Stone Talus. If you have finished main quest Divine Beast Vah Naboris, you can also fast travel to the Divine Beast for a shorter gliding route, though you will need to go around it since you cannot approach the Divine Beast.
Tal Tal Peak

Fast travel to Ne'ez Yohma Shrine and travel through Shatterback Point to reach the base of Tal Tal Peak.
Outpost Ruins

Fast travel to Great Plateau Tower and glide East to reach Outpost Ruins. The Stone Talus is located South of the ruins.
Stone Talus (Rare) Locations
East Passage, Hyrule Castle

Fast travel to Namika Ozz Shrine and travel West to Hyrule Forest Park and stay on the elevated platform near Hyrule Castle Moat. Swim to the tunnel till you reach a small waterfall. If you lack stamina, you can cross using Cryosis to avoid swimming. Swim up the waterfall using Zora Armor once you reach it and glide to the right where you can see one Decayed Guardian. Sneak behind it (or defeat it, if you want) and continue along the path until you see another Decayed Guardian that you need defeat this time.

After defeating it, turn around to find a mining entrance with ore deposits beside it. Enter here and follow the path to a mining cart.

Get in the mining cart, and ride it (watch out for Keeses flying around). To ride the cart, use Stasis on the cart and hit it continuously till the timer ends.

Once the cart stop moving, get off and go straight to find the Stone Talus.
Castle Town Prison

Fast travel to Noya Neha Shrine and glide to the bigger mountain. Climb up to the highest point of this mountain where the Stone Talus is located.
Vatorsa Snowfield

Fast travel to Kuh Takkar Shrine and travel West to Vatorsa Snowfield to reach the Stone Talus here.
Tabantha Hills

Fast travel to Lanno Kooh Shrine and travel South to reach the Stone Talus. Be sure to wear cold-resistance armor set to prevent the cold damage over time.
Illumeni Plateau

Fast travel to Shae Loya Shrine and travel South to reach the Illumeni Plateau where the Stone Talus is located.
Kolami Bridge

Fast travel to Tabantha Tower and glide down to the path near the group of trees South of Kolami Bridge where the Stone Talus is located.
Gisa Crater

Fast travel back to Tabantha Tower. Glide down to the West this time to Gisa Crater where you will find the Stone Talus in the middle of the crater.
Frost Talus Locations
Sapphia's Table

Fast travel to Gerudo Tower and glide North to the nearby mountain range to reach the Frost Talus here.
Laparoh Mesa

Fast travel to Kuh Takkar Shrine and climb to Laparoh Mesa. The Frost Talus is in the middle of the 3 group of trees.
Rospro Pass

Fast travel to Sha Warvo Shrine near Flight Range and climb up the mountain to reach the Frost Talus.
Pikida Stonegrove

Fast travel to Rok Uwog Shrine and travel South-West to find a climbable structure. Use this to reach the surface. The Frost Talus is on the biggest platform of Pikida Stonegrove.
Coldsnap Hollow

Fast travel to Mozo Shenno Shrine and travel East. Make sure to bring stamina-replenishing dishes or boost up your stamina as there will be a lot of climbing to reach the Frost Talus in Coldsnap Hollow.
Igneo Talus Locations
Darb Pond

Fast travel to Eldin Tower and glide North to right of Darb Pond to reach the Igneo Talus here.
Lake Darman

Fast travel to Shae Mo'sah Shrine and climb to the highest point of the cliff beside it. Glide to the edge of the volcano and travel North until you reach a series of bridges. The Igneo Talus is on the platform after the 3rd bridge you cross.
Gotram Cliff

Fast travel to Qua Raym Shrine and cross the lava using the metal blocks to reach the main road. Follow the path to the Southern Mine to encounter the Igneo Talus here. Another option is to fast travel to Eldin Tower and glide down to main road and walk along the path.
Gorko Lake

Fast travel to Daqa Koh Shrine and travel South. The Igneo Talus is on the big rock in the edge of Gorko Lake.
Eldin Mountains

Fast travel to Shae Mo'sah Shrine and travel to the Abandoned North Mine. Go to the mine where you saved Yunobo during Divine Beast Vah Rudania and glide to the group of islands shaped like a crab. From there, you can travel along the base of Eldin Mountains to reach the Igneo Talus here.

Drops from Ore Deposits

Ore Deposits are found all over Hyrule but are commonly found in the mines in the Eldin Region. Destroy them with ideally a Hammer-type weapon and you may get Diamond. Their locations are in the table below.

Ore Icon- Ore Deposits

What To Do With Diamonds

Sell for Rupees

Diamond can be sold for 500 Rupees. However, we recommend looking into other uses instead.

Item Sell Price
Diamond 500

Use It for Cooking

Diamond can be used to whip up the following recipes and elixirs.

There are no entries for this item.

Use It for Armor Upgrades

Diamond can be used to upgrade the following armor through Great Fairies.

Diamond Circlet IconDiamond Circlet

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1 Anonymousabout 3 years

Diamonds can be used for a sword made by the blacksmith in Goron city.


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