Infinity Nikki

Go to the Firework Isles! Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Go to the Firework Isles!

Go to the Firework Isles! is the first subquest of the The Wonderful Journey quest chain in Infinity Nikki 1.2. See how to unlock it, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

Go to the Firework Isles! Quest Location

Go to Florawish

Go to the Firework Isles! is located at Florawish, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Head to the Mayor's Residence Warp Spire to talk to Grace and start the quest.

Florawish Map and 100% Exploration Guide

How to Unlock Go to the Firework Isles!

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Go to the Firework Isles!
Infinity Nikki - The Truth is Close The Truth is Close

The Go to the Firework Isles! exclusive quest can be unlocked after completing Chapter 2's The Truth is Close main quest!

List of All Main Quests

Go to the Firework Isles! Walkthrough

Find Grace at the Mayor's Residence

To kick off the event quest, head to the Mayor's Residence in Florawish and see if Grace needs any help. She'll ask for your assistance in the Carnival of Fireworks preparations.

Pick Up the Gift at Marques Boutique

Go to Marques Boutique located northeast of the Stylist's Guild Front Gate Warp Spire. Inside, you'll meet Marques Sr. who's substituting for his grandson while he's at Firework Isles. After getting the gift, Marques Sr. will ask you to check up on his grandson and tell you how to get there.

Reach Firework Isles From Flora Wharf

Head to Flora Wharf located southeast of the Mayor's Residence and speak with David. Select Go now during the conversation to sail toward Firework Isles!

Firework Isles Map and Exploration Guide

Give the Gift to Manague

After the cutscene, you'll now be in Firework Isles. Follow the quest marker to find Manague at Camp Kaboom and give him the gift!

Learn About the Situation on the Isles

Manague suggests that you talk to some of the people around Camp Kaboom to learn more about the Isles. You can find them near the Sizzle & Spark Center Warp Spire.

Speak with the Lady at the Workshop

Head south from the Warp Spire to find a lady at a workshop, who'll later introduce herself as Vita. Her current concern is that she needs an Ice Sparkle to create an improved firework formula.

Talk to Joya at the Sizzle & Spark Center

Walk north from the Warp Spire this time and speak with Joya at the Sizzle & Spark Center. She'll tell you more about the Short Fuse Crew, a notorious gang around Firework Isles.

Check Out the Crowd of People

After talking to both Vita and Joya, Momo will note that there's a lot of people nearby. Follow the quest marker to see what the commotion is about. Here, you'll meet Opera, Marques Jr.'s childhood friend, as well as Marques Jr. himself!

Ask Manague About the Explosion

After the cutscene, go up to Manague to ask him about the explosion. Marques Jr. will also bring up that Opera went missing after the incident.

Investigate the Scene with Marques Jr.

Follow Marques Jr. to investigate the scene. Scintillada, a Faewish Sprite, will make an appearance and claim that the true culprit is the Balloon of Darkness. The team will agree to meet them at the Styleshaped Balloon Show and the quest is wrapped up from here!

Go to the Firework Isles! Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards
x 12000

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

Exclusive Quests Partial

List of All Exclusive Quests

All The Wonderful Journey Quest Guides

The Wonderful Journey Quest List
Go to the Firework Isles! Repair the Hot Air Balloon Fireworks Training: Step One
Trial of the Fireworks Diviner For the Holy Sword! Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern
The Unexpected Truth

Other Exclusive Quests in Florawish

All Exclusive Quests in Florawish
Go to the Firework Isles! Good Decor, Bad Decor Listening to Echoes of the Past
Mysterious Prelude Save the Wishing Nebula! Truth and Celebration


2 Anonymousabout 2 months

I think that means you have another challenge you need to accomplish first. If you are using PS5, click the square button to get more detailed information.

1 Anonymousabout 2 months

Mine says a relevant character is in another quest… can anyone help?


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