Infinity Nikki

Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern

Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern is the sixth subquest of the The Wonderful Journey quest chain in Infinity Nikki Version 1.2. See how to unlock it, how to open the Gloomy Cave, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here in this guide!

Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern Quest Location

Go to Firework Isles

Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern is located at Firework Isles, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Head north of the Crescent Moon Ruins and head towards a concave door by the mountain to start the quest.

Firework Isles 100% Guide

How to Unlock Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern
Infinity Nikki - For the Holy Sword! For the Holy Sword!

Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern exclusive quest will requires players to finish the For the Holy Sword! quest, of the same quest chain.

List of All Exclusive Quests

How to Open the Gloomy Cavern Entrance

Find a Way to Open the Gloomy Cavern Entrance
The map has three marked locations for each Launch Tube, but for the sake of this guide, we'll follow the order indicated on the map above!

Opening the Gloomy Cavern Entrance

How to Open the Gloomy Cavern Entrance
The first Launch Tube is the tube located a couple of steps away from the stone tablet. Equip your Fiery Glow ability outfit, then use it to set off the firework. This should light up one of the three gems embedded on the cavern's entrance.
The second Launch Tube is located exactly on Crescent Moon Ruins, which should be somewhere south of the cavern. Use the Fiery Glow's ability once more as soon as you see it!
The third and last Launch Tube is on the Flaming Forest, located on the southwestern portion of the Isle. You can easily reach the location by using the Sizzle & Spark Center Warp Spire, then walking past the bridge that leads to the Flaming Forest!
Once you're at the ruins in Flaming Forest, you'll have to defeat the Esselings first, before being able to use the Launch Tube with your Fiery Glow outfit!

Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern Walkthrough

Go to the Gloomy Cavern Entrance

Go to the Gloomy Cavern Entrance

Once Marques Jr. has pulled out the holy sword, go to the Gloomy Cavern entrance located a bit to the north of Crescent Moon Ruins. You'll know you've arrived at the correct spot if you see a launch tube a couple of steps from the cavern's entrance, which should be presently closed.

Find a Way to Open the Gloomy Cavern Entrance

Infinity Nikki - Gloomy Cavern Entrance Stone and Firey Glow

Then, investigate the stone by the entrance of the cavern. To open the Gloomy Cavern Entrance use your Fiery Glow ability outfit to set off fireworks from each Launch Tube marked on the map of the stone tablet. You can get the map as soon as you interact with the tablet, and keep in mind that you don't need to craft any Firework to use the launch tube!

Open the Gate to the Gloomy Cavern

Open the Gate to the Gloomy Cavern

After setting off the three launch tubes, open the gate to the Gloomy Cavern and venture inside. There are a bunch of Esselings inside that you can ignore, but there are also a lot of Dew of Fireworks, as well as three chests, waiting for you to obtain! Either way, simply head deep within the cavern until you see the a giant closed door.

Purify the Dark Bouquet

Purify the Dark Bouquet

Once the cutscene has played out, defeat the Esseling that shoots out of the crate. To Purify the Dark Bouquet, you must your Fiery Glow Ability Outfit and your Purification Outfit, simultaneously! Fiery Glow disables the Dark Bouquet, while your Purification outfit whittles down its HP.

Dark Bouquet Location and Boss Rewards

How to Purify the Dark Bouquet

How to Purify the Dark Bouquet
As soon as the battle starts, you'll get knocked back by the Bouquet's growl. Do not move to either side, but instead continue walking forward, as this is the blindspot of the Dark Bouquet's first attack.
When the Launch Tube is within your reach, immediately activate your Fiery Glow outfit to disable the Dark Bouquet. Hit the boss enemy with an attack from your Purification outfit, afterwards.
Afterwards, the Dark Bouquet knocks you back again with a growl, and its attacks will now summon small Bouquet monsters which you must with Purify first, before using the Launch Tube.
Keep doing this attack pattern until you've depleted the Bouquet's HP to 2. By then, the Dark Bouquet will move from Launch Tube to another, while attacking you a barrage of attacks and summoning its Bouquet minions. Despite this, however, simply do the same attack pattern until the monster is defeated!

Go to the Upper Levels of Inside the Stone Chamber

Go to the Upper Levels of Inside the Stone Chamber

After defeating the Dark Bouquet Esseling and having the cutscene playout, go to the upper levels inside the stone chamber and collect the Ice Sparkle. Use the wooden platforms within the chamber to easily reach the Sparkle!

Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards
x 12000

Special Rewards

Ice Sparkle Box
Infinity Nikki - Showdown Ice

This is the Ice Sparkle Box needed by Vita. Give this to her to complete her request.

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

Exclusive Quests Partial

List of All Exclusive Quests

All The Wonderful Journey Quest Guides

The Wonderful Journey Quest List
Go to the Firework Isles! Repair the Hot Air Balloon Fireworks Training: Step One
Trial of the Fireworks Diviner For the Holy Sword! Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern
The Unexpected Truth

Other Exclusive Quests in Firework Isles

All Exclusive Quests in Firework Isles
A Night of Fireworks Fireworks Training: Step One For the Holy Sword!
Repair the Hot Air Balloon Showdown! The Gloomy Cavern Sparkle and Blast Surprise
The Short Fuse Crew Returns The Unexpected Truth Trial of the Fireworks Diviner


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