Infinity Nikki

Save the Wishing Nebula! Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Save the Wishing Nebula!

Save the Wishing Nebula! is the second Exclusive quest under the Star-Kissed Wishes event in Infinity Nikki 1.1. See all answers to Arubida's riddles, how to unlock this quest, its walkthrough, and all its rewards here in this guide!

How to Unlock Save the Wishing Nebula!

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Save the Wishing Nebula!
Infinity Nikki - Good Decor, Bad Decor Good Decor, Bad Decor

The Save the Wishing Nebula! quest unlocks immediately after completing its prerequisite quest Good Decor, Bad Decor.

Do note that these series of quests will only be available for a limited time until the Star-Kissed Wishes event ends on January 23, 2024, so make sure to complete them before they're gone!

Good Decor, Bad Decor Quest Guide

Save the Wishing Nebula! Quest Location

Go to Florawish

Save the Wishing Nebula! is located at Florawish, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. You may teleport to the Dream Warehouse Tower Warp Spire and head toward the low corridor, or you may walk to the area from the Silvergale statue at the Ruins Plaza.

Florawish Map and 100% Exploration Guide

Save the Wishing Nebula! Walkthrough

Answer Faewish Sprite Arubida's Riddles

Riddle Answer
What is the tiny glass bottle hanging from the tree, loved by the Faeiwsh Sprites? A Wish Bottle
Pink stone pillars rise from the ground, with travelers passing between them. What exactly are these pink stone pillars? Warp Spire
Small in size, with a big appetite, runs and jumps around, sometimes quiet, sometimes chatty, and when you pet it, it sheds fur. It's a Floof

Upon reaching the low corridor of the Dream Warehouse, approach the Faewish Sprite named Arubida, who appears lost in thought and unresponsive to Nikki's questions.

To break his daze, correctly answer all of his riddles with the following responses: A Wish Bottle, Warp Spire, and It's a Floof.

Once satisfied with your answers, Arubida agrees to ferry Nikki and Momo to the Stargazing Deck via the Grand Crane.

Wait for Arubida To Return

Infinity Nikki Meet Arubida When He Returns

You can either interact with the golden light to Wait inside or manually set your in-game time between the hours of 22:00 - 4:00 through your Pear Pal. Talk to Arubida to ride the Grand Crane to the Stargazing Deck.

How to Change Time

Obtain the Whim Flame at the Deepest Part of the Stargazing Deck

Infinity Nikki Obtain the Whimfire at the Deepest Part of the Stargazing Deck

Approach the golden cube at the left side of the Stargazing Deck to open a passageway to its deepest parts. Inside, you will be thrown into a platforming challenge with a time limit of 5 minutes.

Safely jump onto all moving and stationary platforms with your floating ability until you reach the end of the course and obtain the Whim Flame, then exit the stage by walking to the golden circle.

First Stage of The Let's Touch Shooting Stars Event


Completing the platforming challenge during this quest also serves as the first Normal stage for Let's Touch Shooting Stars, which hosts a variety of platforming challenges that you can complete in exchange for valuable rewards!

Let's Touch Shooting Stars Event Guide

Repair the Switch for the Shooting Stars

Infinity Nikki Repair the Switch for the Shooting Stars

Walk toward the switch back in the main area and insert the Whim Flame into its designated slot. Afterward, return to the Dream Warehouse via the Grand Crane at the edge of the platform.

Talk to Captain Hiya

Infinity Nikki Talk to Hiya

Back at the Dream Warehouse, talk to Hiya and let her know that the Stargazing Deck has been repaired.

Talk to Komenda and Rico

Infinity Nikki Talk to Komenda and Rico

Afterward, you can inform Komenda and Rico about the situation by teleporting to the Warp Spire In Front of the Mayor's Residence and walking to the Kingdom Guards' Office.

The quest will end shortly after receiving updates about their investigation on the strange decorations, and receive your rewards!

Save the Wishing Nebula! Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Save the Wishing Nebula! Information

Event-Exclusive Quest for Star-Kissed Wishes

Infinity Nikki Star-Kissed Wishes Event

Save the Wishing Nebula! is an event-exclusive quest tied to the Star-Kissed Wishes event. Don’t miss your chance to complete it before the event concludes on January 23, 2025!

Star-Kissed Wishes Event Guide

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Star-Kissed Wishes Event Guide

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Good Decor, Bad Decor Save the Wishing Nebula! Truth and Celebration

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