Infinity Nikki

Find Fragrance: Mossy Hush Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Find Fragrance: Mossy Hush

Find Fragrance: Mossy Hush is a Random quest under the Find Fragrance Series in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to unlock this quest, its walkthrough, and all its rewards here in this guide!

Find Fragrance: Mossy Hush Quest Location

Go to Abandoned District

Find Fragrance: Mossy Hush is located at Abandoned District, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom.

From the Volunteer Corps Watchtower, head straight towards the Stonetree just past the camp. You will see a door leading into the cavern where the fragrance is located in.

Abandoned District Map Guide

How to Unlock Find Fragrance: Mossy Hush

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Find Fragrance: Mossy Hush
Infinity Nikki Find Fragrance: Mossy Hush No Quest Requirement Hey Stylist! Looks like Find Fragrance: Mossy Hush is not locked behind any quest!

Find Fragrance: Mossy Hush does not require the Purify! Scent in the Cavern quest needed for the first three Find Fragrance quests in Florawish and Breezy Meadow.

All Find Fragrance Quest Guides

Find Fragrance: Mossy Hush Walkthrough

Take the Skypass

Infinity Nikki - Mossy Skypass

After heading into the cave, ride the Skypass up.

Defeat the Esselings

Infinity Nikki - Mossy Esselings 2

Once you land, defeat the Esselings nearby.

Head Down the Cave

Head down to go deeper into the cave, defating any Esselings nearby.

Head Deeper into the Cave

Infinity Nikki - Mossy Cave 1

Follow the path, defeating any Esselings nearby and jumping over gaps.

Head Up the Path

Infinity Nikki - Mossy Path 1

You will see another path going up the cave. Follow the stone path, defeating any Esselings nearby.

Head Down the Hole

Infinity Nikki - Mossy Jump Down

Once you're at the top, head forward and jump down the hole. Going right from where you land will lead you deeper into the cave.

Defeat the Esselings

Infinity Nikki - Mossy Esselings 1

There's another big group of Esselings to the right. Defeat all of them before advancing.

Take the Trampoline Leaf

After defeating the Esselings, head up, hugging the wall and jump onto the Trampoline Leaf on the other side.

Open the Chest

Infinity Nikki - Mossy Reward

There's more Esselings here, defeat them and head towards the chest containing Mossy Hush.

Find Fragrance: Mossy Hush Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards
x 1000

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