Infinity Nikki

All Fish Sing at Night Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - All Fish Sing at Night

All Fish Sing at Night is a World Quest located in Breezy Meadow of the Heartcraft Kingdom region in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to unlock this quest, its walkthrough, all its rewards, and how to match the requirements for Echoes of Innocence here in this guide!

All Fish Sing at Night Quest Location

Go to Breezy Meadow

All Fish Sing at Night is located at Breezy Meadow, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. To start the quest, teleport to the Cicia Art Academy Warp Spire and talk to a man named Koroth standing by the tables beside the Academy.

All Warp Spire Locations

How to Unlock All Fish Sing at Night

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- All Fish Sing at Night
Infinity Nikki - Unexplained Coma Incidents Unexplained Coma Incidents

All Fish Sing at Night will automatically appear on your map upon completing the Unexplained Coma Incidents Main Quest.
Unexplained Coma Incidents Quest Guide

All Fish Sing at Night Walkthrough

Find the Suspicious Girl at the Leisurely Anglers

Infinity Nikki Find the Suspicious Girl at the Leisurely Anglers

After speaking with Koroth about his anonymous admirer, agree to help uncover her identity. Travel to The Leisureely Anglers Warp Spire in Florawish or walk there, east from the Academy. Speak to Ayla by the lake, who reveals she’s the admirer and wishes to collaborate with Koroth on a musical piece, though she is too shy to approach him herself.

Ayla will then ask Nikki to find a Ruffin for her songwriting and directs her to a fishing spot under the bridge near the Meadow Activity Support Center to obtain it.

Give the Ruffin to Ayla

If you happen to already have a Ruffin in your inventory before Ayla asks you for one, you may immediaetely hand it over to her. Otherwise, you will have to catch one at the spot under the bridge near the Meadow Activity Support Center which will be marked on your map.

After providing her with the Ruffin, she asks you for a Bow Fish this time, as a gift for Koroth.

Give the Bow Fish to Ayla

Much like the Ruffin, you can immediately give Ayla a Bow Fish if you have one in your inventory. Otherwise, she will point you to a nearby fishing spot to fish for it, and mark it on your map. Afterward, she will have the courage to approach Koroth about creating a song together.

Go to Field Base and Find Ayla

Infinity Nikki Go to Field Base and Find Ayla

Teleport back to the Cicia Art Academy Warp Spire and speak with Ayla directly beside it.

Follow Ayla to Find Koroth

Infinity Nikki Follow Ayla to Find Koroth

Follow Ayla on the way to Koroth and watch her present the Bow Fish and ask for his support in writing a song. After agreeing to do so, Nikki volunteers to grant him isnpiration in the form of a Styling Challenge under the theme: Echoes of Innocence.

Show the “Echoes of Innocence” Styling to Koroth

Talk to Koroth again to begin the styling challenge. The challenge will require you to follow the Echoes of Innocence, which are basically outfits with Fresh as their main stat and pieces labeled as Playful.

List of All Outfits

Echoes of Innocence

Use Fresh and Playful Pieces

Filter your clothing pieces under the Fresh Style and Playful Label, then sort them all by Score. Put together your highest-scoring pieces until it reaches a minimum of 3,500 Styling Score, and equip any Eureka you have to push it a little further. This will guarantee a successful Styling Challenge, and the quest ends after Koroth gains his due inspiration.

List of All Clothing Pieces

All Fish Sing at Night Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Special Rewards

All Fish Sing at Night Special Rewards
・Song of Fish Sketch x1

In addition to the rewards obtained by completing this quest, you will also receive a Song of Fish Sketch.

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