Infinity Nikki

Researchers, Reporting In! Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Researchers, Reporting In!
Researchers, Reporting In! is a limited-time World Quest part of the Care Notes event in Infinity Nikki Version 1.3. See how to unlock this quest, its walkthrough, and all its rewards here in this guide!

Researchers, Reporting In! Quest Location

Go to the Bullquet Habitat

Researchers, Reporting In! Location
Researchers, Reporting In! is located at the Bullquet Habitat, in the Breezy Meadow region of the Heartcraft Kingdom. Once you've finished the Bullquet, Perk Up! quest, you can easily teleport here by clicking on the Soothing Aroma Vial on the map.

Breezy Meadow Map and Exploration Guide

How to Unlock Researchers, Reporting In!

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Researchers, Reporting In!
Infinity Nikki - Accident at the Clothing Store Accident at the Clothing Store
Infinity Nikki - Bullquet, Perk Up! Bullquet, Perk Up!

To unlock this quest, you'll need to complete the Go to the Dream Warehouse! quest first. Once you've done that, you'll need to complete Bullquet, Perk Up! next to unlock this quest, along with all the other quests in the Bullquet Care Day Event.

Bullquet, Perk Up! Quest Guide

Researchers, Reporting In! Walkthrough

Talk to Romito

Talk to Romito
To start this quest, you'll need to go to the Bullquet Habitat and talk to Professor Romito. He'll talk to you about how he wants to assemble a team to research the Bullquet, and you'll be tasked with finding and recruiting the two members that he needs.

Talk to Vincenzo

Vincenzo Location
The first member you'll look for is Vincenzo, who's located in front of the newsstand in the Lakeside District in Florawish. To recruit him, you'll need to help him locate the Bullquet Temporary Observation Camp from a photograph that he shows you.

Click on the Camp

Click on the Camp
To progress the quest, you'll simply need to follow the directions that Vincenzo gives you and click on the camp in the photo.

The camp's easily located by either following the "west of Meadow Wharf, near the stone bridge" directions, or by looking at the photo and clicking on the obviously shown campsite.

Talk to Anita

Anita Location
After talking to Vincenzo, you'll want to head to the Stylist's Guild to talk to Anita next. Unlike Vincenzo, you'll simply need to talk to her and exhaust her dialogue to recruit her.

Return to Romito

Return to Romito
Once you've recruited both Vincenzo and Anita, you can teleport back to the Bullquet Habitat to talk to Professor Romito and finish this quest.

Researchers, Reporting In! Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Researchers, Reporting In! Information

Part of the Care Notes Event

Infinity Nikki 1.3 Release Date
1.3 Release Date
Release Date February 25, 2025 (UTC-7) (Global)
February 26, 2025 (UTC+8) (Asia)

Researchers, Reporting In! is a quest under the Care Notes event during Infinity Nikki's Version 1.3 update. The quest's availability will only last until the event's end on March 25, 2025 so make sure to complete the quest before it's gone!

Care Notes Event Guide

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