Infinity Nikki

Bad Luck, Good Luck Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Bad Luck, Good Luck

Bad Luck, Good Luck is a limited-time World Quest under the Lucky Journey event in Infinity Nikki 1.1. See how to unlock this quest, its walkthrough, and all its rewards here in this guide!

How to Unlock Bad Luck, Good Luck

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Bad Luck, Good Luck
Infinity Nikki - Go to the Dream Warehouse! Go to the Dream Warehouse!

In order to begin the quests under the Lucky Journey: Take the Bait, Pink Ribbon Eel! event, you must first complete Chapter 2 of the main quests in Infinity Nikki.

Chapter 2: The Lost Wishes Quest Guide

Bad Luck, Good Luck Quest Location

Go to Breezy Meadow

Bad Luck, Good Luck is located in Breezy Meadow. Head to the Swan Gazebo just East of the Bug Catcher's Cabin Warp Spire.

Bad Luck, Good Luck Walkthrough

Talk to Marco at the Swan Gazeebo

To start the quest, talk to Marco at the Swan Gazeebo. The gazeebo is located just East from the Bug Catcher's Cabin. He'll need your help with talking to Valentina, with plans to confess his feelings to her.

Talk to Valentina at Leisureely Anglers

Next, teleport to the Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch Warp Spire and talk to Valentina. She'll tell you that she's been trying to catch a Pink Ribbon Eel to actually give to Marco. After the conversation, you'll need to catch 1kg worth of Pink Ribbon Eels.

All Pink Ribbon Eel Locations

Catch Pink Ribbon Eels For Valentina

Catch Pink Ribbon Eels in the fishing spots located on the map image above. You will need to use the Rippling Serenity outfit so you can fish in these designated locations.

Do note that certain spots will have more Pink Ribbon Eels appear if you fish at night (22:00-4:00), so you can either wait for the time to change or change it yourself using the Run, Pear-Pal feature.

All Pink Ribbon Eel Locations

Report Back to Valentina and Relay Her Message to Marco

Once you've caught 1kg worth of Pink Ribbon Eels, report back to Valentina. She'll tell you to relay a message to Marco, so head back to Swan Gazeebo and talk to him.

Before the big finale, you'll need to give Marco one Florapom that he'll gift Valentina due to him losing the original one out of sheer nervousness. Interact with them both and watch the touching quest ending scene.

Bad Luck, Good Luck Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

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