Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Rampaging Malice Challenge Walkthrough

Rampaging Malice Banner

This is a guide for Rampaging Malice, a Challenge in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Read on to learn the best way to clear the challenge as well as obtainable rewards, materials and more!

Rampaging Malice Basic Information

Rampaging Malice
Challenge Level Range 51-60
Recommended Level 58
Region Eldin
Special Conditions Restricted Allies
Time Limited
Unlock Conditions Clear the Battle: The Future of Hyrule
Restricted Allies Daruk
First-Clear Rewards
Diamond Icon Diamond x1

Rampaging Malice - Materials and Enemies

Battlefield-Specific Materials

List of Materials

Main Enemies

List of Enemies

Rampaging Malice Walkthrough

  1. Capture 4 Outposts

Rampaging Malice - Tips and Strategy Guide

Rampaging Malice is a pretty straightforward challenge. You have to use Daruk to capture 4 outposts under 8 minutes. Each outpost will have at least one Guardian variant for you to take down. There are Bokoblins and Lizalfos that will join the fray, but they should be the least of your concerns.

Recommended Dishes for Rampaging Malice

Cooking shouldn't be necessary to complete the mission. But, if you're really having trouble, a Chilly Fish Skewer can help reduce the damage you take from fire. You can also try dishes that increase your Movement Speed since Daruk is quite slow and you will have to traverse the map a bit between outposts.

Recipe Meal Effect Ingredients
Steamed Mushrooms IconSteamed Mushrooms Movement Speed: +10%
Hyrule Herb Icon Hyrule Herb x2
Glazed Mushrooms IconGlazed Mushrooms Movement Speed: +10%
Tabantha Bake IconTabantha Bake Movement Speed: 15%
Rushroom Icon Rushroom x4
Copious Mushroom Skewers IconCopious Mushroom Skewers Movement Speed: +15%
Rushroom Icon Rushroom x4

Rampaging Malice - First Outpost

Rampaging Malice - First Outpost.jpg
The first outpost you'll come across will pit you up against a Malice Guardian. The battle should be simple enough. Do your best to take down the guardian without using any special attacks. They will come in handy for the next outpost.
Boss Battle Guide: How to Beat Malice Guardian

Rampaging Malice - Between the First and Second Outpost

Rampaging Malice - Between the First and Second Outpost.jpg
After securing the first outpost, you will have to pass through a corridor with falling magma bombs before reaching the second outpost. As you are rolling with Daruk, you will see indicators as to where the magma bombs will fall. Avoid these and you should be good to go.

Rampaging Malice - Second Outpost

Rampaging Malice - Second Outpost.jpg
In the second outpost, a Fire Guardian and Malice Guardian will be waiting for you. If things get too dicey, remember that Daruk's Protection (ZL) should keep you safe from all of the Guardian Lasers.

If you've been following along with the guide, you should have a Special Attack or two charged up from the battle in the first outpost. Lock on to one of the Guardians and use your Special Attacks to take them down. This really helps even the playing field, instead of going against the Guardians 2 versus 1. After weakening the guardians, continue to chain your attacks to take them out.

Daruk Usage Guide, Builds, Combos, and How to Unlock

Rampaging Malice - Third and Fourth Outpost

Rampaging Malice - Third and Fourth Outpost.jpg
With the second outpost out of the way, the worst is over. The remaining two outposts should have one guardian each. If you were able to take on the first two outposts, these last two should be a cinch. In case you are getting low on time, remember that elemental rods can also be used to make the enemy's Weak Point Gauge more fragile. Use them to your advantage.

How to Use Rods

Related Links

HW:AoC - Challenges
List of Challenges


2 Anonymousabout 4 years

It does walk you through, and you spelled the wrong through

1 Anonymousabout 4 years

this was a bad guide where is the walk threw


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