Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Taming the Savage Lynel Challenge Walkthrough

Taming the Savage Lynel Banner

This is a guide for Taming the Savage Lynel, a Challenge in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Read on to learn the best way to clear the challenge as well as obtainable rewards, materials and more!

Taming the Savage Lynel Basic Information

Taming the Savage Lynel
Challenge Level Range 51-60
Recommended Level 57
Region Lanayru
Special Conditions No Healing Items Appear
Time Limited
No Carried Items
Unlock Conditions Clear the Challenge: Reclaim the Land
First-Clear Rewards

Taming the Savage Lynel - Materials and Enemies

Battlefield-Specific Materials

Does not drop battlefield materials

List of Materials

Main Enemies

List of Enemies

Taming the Savage Lynel Walkthrough

  1. Defeat a Lynel and a Blue-Maned Lynel
  2. Defeat the Malice Lynel

Taming the Savage Lynel - Tips and Strategy Guide

This challenge can be difficult when not approached properly as this will pit you against three Lynels - a normal Lynel, a White-Maned Lynel, and a Malice Lynel.

At first, the challenge will make you fight a normal Lynel and a White-Maned Lynel. When one of the two is defeated, the Malice Lynel will appear immediately!

Here are some tips to more effectively clear this challenge!

Do Not Lock-on the Lynels

Do Not Lock On the Lynels

When fighting multiple Lynels, do not lock-on any of them. This allows you to see the movements of both enemies to better execute Perfect Dodges.

Age of Calamity Controls and Controller Options

Always Aim For a Flurry Rush

Execute Flurry Rush

Always try to execute Flurry Rushes by dodging at the last time! This does not only provide free hits, but it also gives you invulnerability from the attacks of the other Lynel!

How to Perform a Flurry Rush

Use Sheikah Runes

Use Stasis to Extend the Weak-Point Gauge

Taming Savage Lynel Use Stasis

The Stasis rune allows you to extend the hitting duration of an enemy's Weak-Point Gauge. Just use it when the Weak-Point Gauge is exposed to attacks.

Use Remote Bombs to Hit the Weak-Point Gauge Directly

Taming Savage Lynel Use Remote Bomb

Take note that the Remote Bomb rune deals damage directly to the enemy's Weak-Point Gauge. Do not hesitate to use it when the full Weak-Point Gauge is close to breaking.

Sheikah Runes Guide: How to Use Runes in Battle

Use Cooking

Cooking for Survivability

Since this challenge do not allow using items like rods and apples, we suggest cooking recipes that promote survivability:

Survivability Health at the Start of Battle
Damage from Enemies -%
Recover Health Every 10 Seconds

Cooking Guide and List of Recipes

Set the Difficulty to Easy

Easy Mode
If you are stuck and at the end of your wits, we suggest setting the difficulty mode to Easy. Enemies are easier to defeat, and they do not hit that hard in this difficulty, so this may solve the problem with the time constraint and survivability.

Of course, you can always change the difficulty back afterward!

Difference Between Difficulty Modes: Which Difficulty Should You Choose?

Related Links

HW:AoC - Challenges
List of Challenges


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