
Cockatrice Escape

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This is the article page for the Cockatrice Escape miscellaneous quest of the game Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (FFXII, FF12, FF XII Zodiac Age). Item locations, tasks that need doing, and other important aspects of this side quest is available here.

Connected Quest
Paradise Risen ~ Gil Snapper

Cockatrice Escape Objectives

The Case of the Missing Cockatrice

Dania and Terra are the adult and child tandem who are looking out for the Nomad's cockatrices. After receiving the Feather of the Flock item, you'll find that all of the cockatrices are gone! Speak with Dania and Terra to start the quest and search for all of the flock.

The First Cockatrice: Moomer

The first cockatrice, Moomer, will be staying at Gurdy's Balfonheim chocobo stables.

Main Objectives

1 When you return to the Giza Plains after defeating the Gil Snapper, you'll find that all their cockatrice had gone.
2 Speak with Dania and Terra to find out the problem. Start searching for the cockatrice.
3 You'll find one of them in Balfonheim Port. Speak with the Miffed Moogle and Gurdy to have him come out of the corral.
4 Watch as the 'chocobo' leaves with the Miffed Moogle. You'll receive an item as a reward from the cockatrice.

Tips and Hints

a Moomer will be arguing with you through thought, insisting that he IS a chocobo.
b The Miffed Moogle will speak with Gurdy about looking for a chocobo.
c The Moogle will see Moomer and ask Gurdy about the cockatrice. He will also negotiate for a lower price for the smaller 'chocobo.'
d Finally realizing his dream, Moomer will ride off with the Moogle. He will also hand you a Defender as thanks.

The Second Cockatrice: Chit

The second cockatrice, Chit, will be staying at the Eruyt Village.

Main Objectives

5 Head next to Eruyt Village, where another cockatrice is hiding. Speak with the viera to solve the cockatrice's problem.
6 The viera will propose collecting the stones the cockatrice is looking for. These will be represented by a 'sparkling light.'
7 Return with the complete pebbles and help the cockatrice go back home.

Tips and Tricks

e Another character familiar to your party--the viera Mjrn--will be seen caring for the wayward cockatrice.
f Mjrn, who claims to have spoken to the cockatrice, has a quest for you; collect dewdrop pebbles to help Chit return home.
g These pebbles will be easy to spot; a 'Sparkling Light' will be your marker for the pebbles.
h The first is by Chit and Mjrn. Two more can be found on the Fane of the Path area (Alja and a pacing wood-dweller are your markers.)
i Six will be at the Spiritwood: one on the stairs leading from the Fane of the Path, one near Rael, another near the three-way path before the Fane of the Path, one at the stairs south of the spring, one near the southeast dead end, and one in the spring (which you ask a viera assistance for.)
j Deliver the pebbles to Chit. He will be dropping yet another pebble. Mjrn will then create a necklace out of these pebbles to help the cockatrice remember.
k Chit will leave the village in gratitude. Before he leaves, he will give you a Yoichi Bow as thanks.

The Third Cockatrice: Renn

Renn will be loitering at Rabanastre, at the North End.

Main Objective

8 After completing the Eruyt Village mini-quest, head over to Rabanastre. Another cockatrice is hiding out there.
9 The cockatrice will flee when it sees you. Give chase and try to corner it to talk to it.
10 The cockatrice will then speak of going back home. Watch as he leaves. It will also give you an item as a reward.

Tips and Tricks

l Renn is quite tricky to convince to go home. At first glance, he will set off and try to escape.
m You can either corner him from one of the pillars as he passes by, or you can go opposite, and approach him while walking slowly. He will not run while you are walking.
n Once you corner him, Renn will ask you whether you're 'ruffling his feathers.' Answer 'Erm...no?' to have him stop and speak.
o Once he's calmed down, he will be by the area with the Imperial soldiers. He will then start to speak of returning home to Chit.
p He will thank you once he's decided to return home, giving you a Diamond Sword as apology for making you run around.

The Fourth Cockatrice: Shurry

Another one of them, Shurry, sought refuge in the Garif Village in Jahara.

Main Objective

11 Leave for Jahara to find another one of the cockatrice. You'll see it surrounded by the garif in their Village.
12 Speak to the garif standing next to her to find out what is wrong, then speak with the cockatrice.
13 The great chief of the garif will give her a gift to bring back when he finds out that the cockatrice came from the Nomad Village.
14 The cockatrice will leave for the Village after being given the gift. He will also give you an item reward.

Tips and Tricks

q Shurry will be surrounded by a group of warriors and garif herders, curious as to why she's visited the village. A herder will also be near him, acting as intermediary between him and the village.
r When you see her, you need to speak to the garif near her first, and then to the cockatrice. He will begin to tell you why she's there and what she hopes to accomplish.
s After a few more exhanges between you, the garif, and Shurry, the garif will ask you to speak with the village's Great Chief.
t Upon realizing Shurry comes from the Nomad Village in Giza Plains, the great chief prepares something to give to the village elder. Brunoa is a friend of the Great Chief.
u Once Shurry receives the package from the great chief, she will prepare to leave. She will also give you a Platinum Dagger.

The Fifth Cockatrice: Sassan

Sassan is yet another cockatrice that has found his way to the Dalmasca Estersand - Nebra Banks settlement.

Main Objective

15 Head over to the Dalmasca Estersand settlement for another cockatrice. This one won't cross the river because of a wolf pup.
16 Talk to the ferrymaster's son to solve this problem of the cockatrice crossing the other side.
17 Offer to take the wolf pup first to the other side, then bring its child master over too. Afterwards, finally bring the cockatrice across.
18 When the cockatrice crosses, it will also give you an item reward for your efforts.

Tips and Tricks

v When you see Sassan, he will be hiding from a wolf called Nathyl and its master, Arryl.
w To convince him to cross the Nebra, you have to find a way to get rid of Nathyl. Talk to the boatmaster, Tchigri, to arrange this.
x First, get Nathyl the wolf-pup to ride on the boat. Afterwards, fetch Arryl and get him to the other side. Sassan will then agree to cross the river.
y Once he does, you'll find out the reason for his wanting to visit the village: the Dalmascan Torrie, who he wants to build a happy family of little cockatrices with.
z Notwithstanding the weird nature of this union, Torrie appears to just play along. Nevertheless, the 'couple' will hand over a Koga Blade as thanks.

The Sixth Cockatrice: Agytha

Last but not the least, Agytha will be at the Imperial City of Archades.

Main Objective

19 The next cockatrice hunt will bring you to Archades. It can be found in the Central Area, but you need a Sandalwood to access it.
20 Once you receive the sandalwood, move to the area and find the cockatrice running around. It is easier to catch than the one in Rabanastre.
21 The cockatrice will confess that it is looking for a suitable mate. Direct her to a cockatrice you found in Old Archades prior.

Tips and Tricks

a.a This cockatrice isn't easy to find, though; you have to possess Sandalwood to access the Central Area.
a.b It should be easy to complete the quest for the Sandalwood Chop, though. Finish all the quests involving Archadesian gentries and the people they need to speak to.
a.c This is a long and lengthy quest to finish, but here's a simple guide. In the area of Trant, speak to: Boutiquere > Boutique > Moneyed Gentleman, Farce-Goer > Tickets to the Farce > Girl on an Errand, Music Appreciator > Lutenist > Lutenist, Historian > Empire History > Perceptive Man, Builder > The Artisan Architect > Artisan Architect, and Smitten Man > Client's Daughter > Smitten Woman.
a.d In the next area, Rienna, you have to speak to: Philosopher of Cuisine > Revolutionary Dish > Dangerous Chef, Good Brother > What She Wants > Waiting Woman, Tarot Reader > Misfortune > Happy Novelist, Tarot Reader > Misfortune > Happy Novelist, Lazy Profiteer > Gambit for Market > Researcher's Wife, Tour Lady > Aerial Gardens > Bhujerban Lady, Greenseller > Out of Ears > Vegetable Seller and the Lucky Man > Epistle of Love > Romantic Lady quest.
a.e Afterwards, move into Nilbasse and go speak to: Gentleman Onlooker > Working up a Sweat > Eager Crier, Senior Researcher > Encouragment > Failed Researcher, Worried Husband > Halved Wages > Materialistic Woman, Athletic Woman > Gamesman > Avid Reader, Aspiring Starlet > Stardom > Faded Star, and Determined Researcher > Leave Job > Ex-Researcher.
a.f Lastly, go to the area of Molberry, and speak to: Proud Mother > Tutor > Tutor, Avid Traveler > Traveling > Traveling Gentleman, Poor Husband > Anniversary > Poor Wife, Ardent Woman > Eight & Twenty Chops > Ardent Man, Daughter-in-Law > Trinket from Giza > Man from Giza, Look-Alike > Master of Disguise > Look-Alike (they really do look alike), Reminiscing Lady > Mummer > Family-Minded Girl, Talented Woman > Knack for Magicks > Akademecian, and, finally, Would be Judge > To be a Judge > Judge's Wife.
a.g After completing the quest, you should have a Sandalwood Chop. You can visit the Central Area, and you'll find Agytha running around, agitated.
a.h It is easier to chase Agytha down than Renn. When you do catch her, she will confess she's looking for a 'suitable mate' to move up in the world, and thought Archades would be the place to do it.
a.i Once you point her to the old cockatrice at Old Archades, she will thank you with the Tumulus.

Return to Giza Plains...Finally

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22 Return to the Giza Plains to find all of them in the cage. Speak with Dania and Terra to complete this quest.

Once you're done, head back to Giza Plains. You'll see all of the cockatrice back in their pen, and you can also choose to speak to each one for an update. Talk to Dania and Terra to finally complete the quest and to earn your reward.

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