Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

How to Beat Stalnoxes: Locations and Spoils

How to Beat Stalnoxes
This is a guide to battling Stalnoxes, an enemy in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Learn where they can be found in Hyrule, what items they drop, as well as tips and strategies on how to beat them.

Stalnox Base Info

HP 1000
Species Hinox
The mere remains of what was once a giant monster known as a Hinox. These skeletal beasts appear at nighttime. Much like their living counterparts, the Stalnox will tear entire trees from the ground to use as weapons. Furthermore, even if it appears defeated at first, it will keep coming back for more as long as its eyes is left intact.

Where to Find Stalnoxes

Stalnox Locations

Location Name Region
Satori Mountain Central Hyrule
Rowan Plain Central Hyrule
Lockup Central Hyrule
Icefall Foothills Hebra
Hickaly Woods Necluda
Harfin Valley Faron
Ebara Forest Faron
East Akkala Plains Akkala
Daval Peak Gerudo
Boneyard Bridge Central Hyrule

The locations shown here are the closest ones that are labelled on the map. The enemy's precise location may be slightly different, so it is best to go to the location named above, then turn on your sensor to try and find the enemy.

Stalnox Spoils

Hinox Tooth IconHinox Tooth

Stalnox Tips and Strategies

Shoot its Eye

Shoot its Eye (BotW) - Stalnox
The Stalnox's single eye is its weak point. Shooting it not only deals a lot of damage, but it also stuns the giant - causing it to fall and recoil in pain for a few seconds. Link can shoot arrows, throw weapons, or even use the Master Sword's Sword Beam to hit the eye.

Once the Stalnox loses most of its HP, its eye will fall onto the ground. Quickly rush to its eye and pummel it with your strongest weapons!

Quickly Destroy its Eye

Destroy its Eye (BotW) - Stalnox
The Stalnox's eye will come back to its body, and it will recover a portion of its HP (around 35% HP) if you failed to destroy it in a short time. Be sure to reduce the Stalnox eye's HP to zero before he recovers!

Use Stasis and Shoot

Use Statis (BotW) - Stalnox
Once the Stalnox's health goes down a certain level, it will start shielding its eye with one of its hands. When this happens, use the Upgraded Stasis Rune to freeze the Stalnox in place and shoot its eye. When the effect wears off, the Stalnox will fall down and recoil in pain, allowing you to hit it with your weapons again. Repeat this a few times to finish it off.

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

BotW - Enemies

Enemies List

Hinox Blue Hinox Black Hinox Stalnox


1 Anonymousabout 2 years

If you hit it’s eye with a bomb arrow, the eye will drop out of the head and you can destroy it without having to directly attack the Stalnox


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