Sand Land

List of All Crafting Materials

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Sand Land - List of All Materials

This guide lists all the crafting materials in Sand Land. Learn the crafting materials available in the game, how to get crafting materials, and how to use crafting materials.

List of All Crafting Materials

Material How to Get Description
Sand Land - AdhesiveAdhesive ・Purchase in Shops
A strong adhesive agent, used in furniture. Obtainable from item shops.
Sand Land - Alpha Raptor ScaleAlpha Raptor Scale ・Defeat enemies: Alpha Raptor A tough scale dropped by Alpha Raptors. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - Ancient Copper CoinAncient Copper Coin ・Found in Ruins
Ancient currency discovered at a ruins site. Can be used at trading posts.
Sand Land - Ancient Gold CoinAncient Gold Coin ・Found in Ruins
Ancient currency discovered at a ruins site. Can be used for transactions with Lassi.
Sand Land - Ancient Silver CoinAncient Silver Coin ・Found in Ruins
Ancient currency discovered at a ruins site. Can be used at trading posts.
Sand Land - Antigrav StoneAntigrav Stone ・Loot from Chests
・Harvest from Ore Veins
・Purchase in Shops
A valuable ore with anti-gravity properties. Used in military weaponry. Can also be used to mod vehicles.
Sand Land - Assassin Scorpion ExoskeletonAssassin Scorpion Exoskeleton ・Defeat enemies: Assassin Scorpion A husk dropped by Assassin Scorpions. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - Assassin Scorpion VenomAssassin Scorpion Venom ・Defeat enemies: Assassin Scorpion Dropped by Assassin Scorpions. Can be used as an ingredient in synthesizing special oil once neutralized.
Sand Land - B-Grade BoltB-Grade Bolt ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with B-Grade Steel x1
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Battle Tank,Mecha Defender, Jump-Bot
A crude bolt made from B-grade steel. Used to mod parts. A common find from Battle Tanks and other combat vehicles.
Sand Land - B-Grade CableB-Grade Cable ・Loot from Chests
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Jump-Bot
A crude mechanical cable. Used to mod vehicles. A rare find that can be obtained from a variety of vehicles.
Sand Land - B-Grade GearB-Grade Gear ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with B-Grade Steel x1
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Battle Tank
A crude gear made from B-grade steel. Used to make parts. A common find from military and other transport vehicles.
Sand Land - B-Grade GunpowderB-Grade Gunpowder ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Niter x2
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Battle Tank
Crude gunpowder made from niter. Used to mod parts. Can be obtained from soldiers, item shops, and workshops.
Sand Land - B-Grade MeterB-Grade Meter ・Loot from Chests
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Battle Tank, Mecha Defender
A crude mechanical component. Used to mod parts. A rare find that can be obtained from soldiers and Wannabe Junkers.
Sand Land - B-Grade SensorB-Grade Sensor ・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Battle Tank, Jump-Bot
A crude mechanical sensor. Used to mod parts. A rare find that can be obtained from soldiers and Wannabe Junkers.
Sand Land - B-Grade SpringB-Grade Spring ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with B-Grade Steel x1
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Mecha Defender, Jump-Bot
A crude spring made from B-grade steel. Used to make parts. A common find from military and other transport vehicles.
Sand Land - B-Grade SteelB-Grade Steel ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Iron Ore x1
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Battle Tank, Mecha Defender, Jump-Bot
A versatile metal made from iron ore. Used to mod parts and vehicles. Can be obtained from workshops and vehicles.
Sand Land - Battle Armor FrameBattle Armor Frame ・Complete Bounties
A core component for building a Battle Armor.
Sand Land - Battle Bot FrameBattle Bot Frame ・Complete New Battle-bot Frame Quest
・Complete Bounties
・Purchase at Spino Trading Post
A core component for building a Battle Bot.
Sand Land - Battle Tank FrameBattle Tank Frame ・Complete Bounties
A core component for building a Battle Tank.
Sand Land - Brilliant Blue WingBrilliant Blue Wing ・Defeat enemies: Luminous Pterano Luminous Pterano wing membrane. Glitters like a jewel and fetches a high price as an accessory. For selling.
Sand Land - CactusCactus ・Destroy Plants or Trees
A prickly plant found in arid regions. Contains small amounts of oil.
Sand Land - Cactus SilkCactus Silk ・Craft with Plant Matter x3, Cactus x2
A soft fabric made from cactus and plant matter. Used in furniture. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Car FrameCar Frame ・Complete Car Part Scavenge Quest
・Complete Bounties
・Complete Races
A core component for building a car.
Sand Land - Cave Cobra ScaleCave Cobra Scale ・Defeat enemies: Cave Cobra A giant scale dropped by Cave Cobras. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - Cave Cobra VenomCave Cobra Venom ・Defeat enemies: Cave Cobra Dropped by Cave Cobras. Can be used as an ingredient in synthesizing special oil once neutralized.
Sand Land - ClayClay ・Purchase in Shops
Material for making ceramics. Used in furniture. Can be obtained from item shops.
Sand Land - Cobra AlloyCobra Alloy ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Standard Steel x1, Cave Cobra Scale x1
A durable, pliable alloy made from steel and powdered Cave Cobra scales. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Cobra RubberCobra Rubber ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Shock-Absorbing Rubber x1, Cave Cobra Venom x1
A highly durable synthetic rubber made from neutralized Cave Cobra venom. Used in vehicle parts. Sometimes found at item shops and workshops.
Sand Land - Croc AlloyCroc Alloy ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Standard Steel x1, Desert Crocodile Hide x1
・Defeat enemies: Jump-Bot
A durable, lightweight alloy made from standard steel and powdered Desert Crocodile hides. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Croc GreaseCroc Grease ・Defeat enemies: Crocodiles Dropped by crocodiles. Powerful lubricant used as an ingredient in synthesizing special oil.
Sand Land - Croc SteelCroc Steel ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with B-Grade Steel x1, Desert Crocodile Hide x1
A slightly more durable metal made from B-grade steel and powdered Desert Crocodile hides. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Crocodile HideCrocodile Hide ・Defeat enemies: Crocodile A tough, scaly hide from a crocodile. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - CropCrop ・Complete First Bud Burgeons Side Quest
Harvested from crop fields. Can be sold at shops or used as a dye ingredient.
Sand Land - Deluxe Desert Croc OilDeluxe Desert Croc Oil ・Craft with Vegetable Oil x1, Croc Grease x1
A velvety lubricant made from croc grease. Used to make parts. Sometimes found at item shops and workshops.
Sand Land - Deluxe Honey OilDeluxe Honey Oil ・Craft with Vegetable Oil x1, Royal Bee Honey x1
A top quality lubricant made from Royal Bee honey. Used to make parts. Sometimes found at item shops and workshops.
Sand Land - Deluxe Scorpion AlloyDeluxe Scorpion Alloy ・Craft with Quality Steel x1, Assassin Scorpion Exoskeleton x3
・Craft with Quality Steel x1, Queen Scorpion Exoskeleton x1
A highly corrosion-proof mix of quality steel and powdered Assassin Scorpion exoskeletons. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Deluxe Scorpion OilDeluxe Scorpion Oil ・Craft with Vegetable Oil x1, Assassin Scorpion Venom x1
Made from Assassin Scorpion Venom. Used to make parts. Sometimes found at item shops and workshops.
Sand Land - Desert Croc OilDesert Croc Oil ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Vegetable Oil x1, Desert Crocodile Oil x1
A lubricant made from Desert Crocodile oil. Used to make parts. Sometimes found at item shops and workshops.
Sand Land - Desert Crocodile HideDesert Crocodile Hide ・Defeat enemies: Desert Crocodile Dropped by Desert Crocodiles. Powerful lubricant used as an ingredient in synthesizing special oil.
Sand Land - Desert Crocodile OilDesert Crocodile Oil ・Defeat enemies: Desert Crocodile A tough, scaly hide from a Desert Crocodile. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - Dirt Buggy FrameDirt Buggy Frame ・Complete Bounties
・Complete Races
A core component for building a dirt buggy.
Sand Land - Don Pterano WingDon Pterano Wing ・Defeat enemies: Don Pterano Tough Don Pterano wing membrane. Greatly increases the heat resistance of rubber when processed with it.
Sand Land - Dusky Pterano WingDusky Pterano Wing ・Defeat enemies: Dusky Pterano Dusky Pterano wing membrane. Greatly increases the durability of rubber when processed with it.
Sand Land - DyeDye ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Crop x1
Required for painting. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - FabricFabric ・Craft with Plant Matter x2
Plant matter that has been processed for ease of use. Used in furniture. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Forest Raptor ScaleForest Raptor Scale ・Defeat enemies: Forest Raptor Dropped by Forest Raptors. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - Geji Dragon SpikeGeji Dragon Spike ・Defeat enemies: Geji Dragon A large spike from a Geji Dragon. Incredibly difficult to obtain. Greatly enhances the strength of metal. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - GlassGlass ・Craft with Silica Stone x2
A common type of glass made from processed silica stone. Used in furniture. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Glittering Green ScaleGlittering Green Scale ・Defeat enemies: Gem Raptor Dropped by Gem Raptors. Glitters like a jewel and fetches a high price as an accessory. For selling.
Sand Land - Gold OreGold Ore ・Acquire with Thief's Item Picker Skill
A precious ore containing valuable gold. For selling.
Sand Land - Gun Barrel ScrapGun Barrel Scrap ・Loot from Chests
Obtained from Battle Tanks. Its rare components can be extracted and used to upgrade weapons.
Sand Land - Honey OilHoney Oil ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Vegetable Oil x1, Soldier Bee Honey x1
A velvety lubricant made from Soldier Bee honey. Used to make parts. Sometimes found at item shops and workshops.
Sand Land - Hopper FrameHopper Frame ・Complete All for the Hopper Quest
・Complete Bounties
・Purchase at Spino Trading Post
A core component for building a Hopper.
Sand Land - Hover Tank FrameHover Tank Frame ・Complete Esteemed Architect Quest
・Complete Bounties
・Purchase at Spino Trading Post
A core component for building a Hover Tank.
Sand Land - Hovercar FrameHovercar Frame ・Complete Quest
A core component for building a Hovercar.
Sand Land - Hoverjet FrameHoverjet Frame ・Complete Bounties
・Complete Races
A core component for building a Hoverjet.
Sand Land - Hoverscooter FrameHoverscooter Frame ・Complete Bounties
A core component for building a Hover Scooter.
Sand Land - Iron OreIron Ore ・Harvest from Ore Veins
A hard, strong ore. Can be processed into materials for vehicle modding.
Sand Land - Jump-bot FrameJump-bot Frame ・Complete Bounties
A core component for building a Jump-bot.
Sand Land - Jungle Cobra ScaleJungle Cobra Scale ・Defeat enemies: Jungle Cobra A giant scale dropped by Jungle Cobras. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - Jungle Cobra VenomJungle Cobra Venom ・Defeat enemies: Jungle Cobra Powerful venom dropped by Jungle Cobras. Can be used as an ingredient in synthesizing special oil once neutralized.
Sand Land - Killer Scorpion ExoskeletonKiller Scorpion Exoskeleton ・Defeat enemies: Killer Scorpion Dropped by Killer Scorpions. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - Killer Scorpion VenomKiller Scorpion Venom ・Defeat enemies: Killer Scorpion Dropped by Killer Scorpions. Can be used as an ingredient in synthesizing special oil once neutralized.
Sand Land - Large Launcher ScrapLarge Launcher Scrap ・Defeat enemies: Hovercar:Hopper Obtained from Hovercars and Hoppers. Its rare components can be extracted and used to upgrade weapons.
Sand Land - Large Panther FangLarge Panther Fang ・Defeat enemies: Panther Lord A large, tough panther fang. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - Laser Canon ScrapLaser Canon Scrap ・Defeat enemies: Hovercar, Hovertank Obtained from Hovercars and Hovertanks. Its rare components can be extracted and used to upgrade weapons.
Sand Land - Lead OreLead Ore ・Harvest from Ore Veins
An ore with a low melting point. Can be processed into materials for vehicle modding.
Sand Land - LeatherLeather ・Craft with Pterano Wing x2
A soft leather made from Pterano wings. Used in furniture. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - LumberLumber ・Craft with Plant Matter x3
Plant matter that has been processed for ease of use. Used in furniture. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Machine Gun ScrapMachine Gun Scrap ・Loot from Chests
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Battle Tank
Obtained from Battle Tanks, motorbikes, and other vehicles. Its rare components can upgrade weapons once extracted.
Sand Land - MagnetMagnet ・Craft with Old Iron Ingot x3
Magnetic iron ore that has been processed. Useful to mod vehicles. Can be obtained from workshops.
Sand Land - Master Modding KitMaster Modding Kit ・Purchase at Patago
A design kit for top of the line modding of vehicle parts.
Sand Land - Motorbike FrameMotorbike Frame ・Complete Headin' South! Quest
・Complete Bounties
・Complete Races
A core component for building a motorbike.
Sand Land - NiterNiter ・Harvest from Ore Veins
A mineral used in making gunpowder. Can be found in desert areas.
Sand Land - Old Iron IngotOld Iron Ingot ・Harvest from Ore Veins
An ingot with old iron in it. Has magnetic properties. Can be processed into materials for vehicle modding.
Sand Land - Omega Raptor ScaleOmega Raptor Scale ・Defeat enemies: Omega Raptor A tough scale dropped by Omega Raptors. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - Pale Pterano WingPale Pterano Wing ・Defeat enemies: Pale Pterano Pale Pterano wing membrane. Greatly increases the elasticity of rubber when processed with it.
Sand Land - Panther AlloyPanther Alloy ・Craft with Standard Steel x1, Panther Fang x1
・Defeat enemies: Jump-Bot
A more durable alloy made from standard steel and powdered panther fangs. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Panther FangPanther Fang ・Defeat enemies: Panther A broken panther fang. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - Part Modding KitPart Modding Kit ・Purchase at Patago or Spino Trading Post
A design kit for modding vehicle parts.
Sand Land - Plant MatterPlant Matter ・Destroy Plants or Trees
Natural material extracted from plants. Has a variety of uses.
Sand Land - PlasticPlastic ・Craft with Vegetable Oil x1, Plant Matter x1
Made by processing plant material. Used in furniture. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Platinum OrePlatinum Ore ・Harvest from Ore Veins
A rare ore usable as a catalyst. Can be processed into materials for vehicle modding.
Sand Land - Premium BoltPremium Bolt ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Premium Steel x1
・Defeat enemies: Battle Tank
A top-quality bolt made from premium steel. Used to mod parts. A common find from Battle Tanks and other combat vehicles.
Sand Land - Premium CablePremium Cable ・Defeat enemies: Battle Tank:Battle Armor A tough and high-spec mechanical cable. Used to mod parts. A rare find that can be obtained from a variety of vehicles.
Sand Land - Premium GearPremium Gear ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Premium Steel x1
A top-quality gear made from premium steel. Used to mod parts. A common find from military and other transport vehicles.
Sand Land - Premium GunpowderPremium Gunpowder ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Niter x5
Top-quality refined gunpowder. Used to mod parts. Can be obtained from soldiers, item shops, and workshops.
Sand Land - Premium MeterPremium Meter ・Loot from Chests
・Defeat enemies: Soldier:Hovercar
A top-quality mechanical component. Used to mod parts. A rare find that can be obtained from soldiers and Wannabe Junkers.
Sand Land - Premium Pterano RubberPremium Pterano Rubber ・Craft with Shock-Absorbing Rubber x1, Pale Pterano Wing x2, Don Pterano Wing x1
A super heat-resistant and elastic synthetic rubber made from Don Pterano wings. Used in vehicle parts. Sometimes found at item shops and workshops.
Sand Land - Premium SensorPremium Sensor ・Loot from Chests
・Defeat enemies: Soldier:Jump-Bot
A top-quality mechanical sensor. Used to mod parts. A rare find that can be obtained from soldiers and Wannabe Junkers.
Sand Land - Premium SpringPremium Spring ・Craft with Premium Steel x1
A top-quality spring made from premium steel. Used to mod parts. A common find from military and other transport vehicles.
Sand Land - Premium SteelPremium Steel ・Craft with Iron Ore x1, Platinum Ore x1
A durable, anti-corrosion alloy made with platinum. Used to mod parts and vehicles. Get from workshops and vehicles.
Sand Land - Pterano RubberPterano Rubber ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Shock-Absorbing Rubber x1, Pterano Wing x1
A highly elastic synthetic rubber made with Pterano wings. Used in vehicle parts. Sometimes found at item shops and workshops.
Sand Land - Pterano WingPterano Wing ・Defeat enemies: Pterano Pterano wing membrane. Greatly increases the stretching properties of rubber when processed with it.
Sand Land - Puraptor ScalePuraptor Scale ・Defeat enemies: Puraptor Dropped by Puraptors. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - Quality BoltQuality Bolt ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Quality Steel x1
・Defeat enemies: Junker, Battle Tank
A durable bolt made from quality steel. Used to mod parts. A common find from Battle Tanks and other combat vehicles.
Sand Land - Quality Cobra AlloyQuality Cobra Alloy ・Craft with Quality Steel x1, Jungle Cobra Scale x1
A highly durable, pliable alloy made from quality steel and powdered Jungle Cobra scales. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Quality Croc AlloyQuality Croc Alloy ・Craft with Quality Steel x1, Crocodile Hide x2
A light yet highly durable alloy made from quality steel and powdered crocodile hides. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Quality GearQuality Gear ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Quality Steel x1
・Defeat enemies: Jump-Bot
A durable gear made from quality steel. Used to mod parts. A common find from military and other transport vehicles.
Sand Land - Quality GunpowderQuality Gunpowder ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Niter x4
・Defeat enemies: Jump-Bot
High-quality gunpowder used by armies. Used to mod parts. Can be obtained from soldiers, item shops, and workshops.
Sand Land - Quality MeterQuality Meter ・Loot from Chests
・Defeat enemies: Soldier
A high-quality mechanical component. Used to mod parts. A rare find that can be obtained from soldiers and Wannabe Junkers.
Sand Land - Quality Pterano RubberQuality Pterano Rubber ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Shock-Absorbing Rubber x1, Pterano Wing x3
・Craft with Shock-Absorbing Rubber x1, Don Pterano Wing x1
An incredibly elastic synthetic rubber made using Pterano wings. Used in vehicle parts. Sometimes found at item shops and workshops.
Sand Land - Quality Raptor AlloyQuality Raptor Alloy ・Craft with Quality Steel x1, Forest Raptor Scale x3
・Craft with Quality Steel x1, Omega Raptor Scale x1
A highly durable alloy made from standard steel and powdered Forest Raptor scales. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Quality SensorQuality Sensor ・Loot from Chests
・Defeat enemies: Junker, Battle Tank
A high-quality mechanical sensor. Used to mod parts. A rare find that can be obtained from soldiers and Wannabe Junkers.
Sand Land - Quality SpringQuality Spring ・Craft with Quality Steel x1
・Defeat enemies: Jump-Bot
A durable spring made from quality steel. Used to mod parts. A common find from military and other transport vehicles.
Sand Land - Quality SteelQuality Steel ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Iron Ore x1, Titanium Ore x1
A durable, light alloy made with titanium ore. Used to mod parts and vehicles. Can be obtained from workshops and vehicles.
Sand Land - QuartzQuartz ・Harvest from Ore Veins
A beautiful crystal ore. Can be processed into materials for vehicle modding.
Sand Land - Queen Scorpion ExoskeletonQueen Scorpion Exoskeleton ・Defeat enemies: Queen Scorpion A large, tough husk dropped by Queen Scorpions. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - Radiant Red ExoskeletonRadiant Red Exoskeleton ・Defeat enemies: Jeweled Scorpion Dropped by Jeweled Scorpions. Glitters like a jewel and fetches a high price as an accessory. For selling.
Sand Land - Raptor AlloyRaptor Alloy ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Standart Steel x1, Raptor Scale x3
・Craft with Standard Steel x1, Puraptor Scale x2
・Craft with Standard Steel x1, Alpha Raptor Scale x1
A more durable alloy made from standard steel and powdered raptor scales. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Raptor ScaleRaptor Scale ・Defeat enemies: Raptor Dropped by raptors. Enhances the strength of metals. Used for forging special alloys.
Sand Land - Raptor SteelRaptor Steel ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with B-Grade Steel x1, Raptor Scale x2
・Craft with B-Grade Steel x1, Puraptor Scale x1
・Craft with B-Grade Steel x1, Alpha Raptor Scale x1
A slightlymore durable alloy made from B-grade steel and powdered raptor scales. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Robotic Arm ScrapRobotic Arm Scrap ・Defeat enemies: Battle Armor Obtained from Battle Armor and Battle-bots. Its rare components can be extracted and used to upgrade weapons.
Sand Land - RopeRope ・Purchase in Shops
A plain rope. Used in furniture. Obtainable from item shops.
Sand Land - Royal Bee HoneyRoyal Bee Honey ・Defeat enemies: Royal Bee Dropped by Royal Bees. Can be used in cooking or as an ingredient in synthesizing special oil.
Sand Land - Scorpion AlloyScorpion Alloy ・Craft with Standard Steel x1, Killer Scorpion Exoskeleton x3
・Craft with Standard Steel x1, Queen Scorpion Exoskeleton x1
A corrosion-resistant alloy made from steel and powdered Killer Scorpion husks. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Scorpion OilScorpion Oil ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Vegetable Oil x1, Killer Scorpion Venom x1
Made from Killer Scorpion venom. Used to make parts. Sometimes found at item shops and workshops.
Sand Land - Shock-Absorbing RubberShock-Absorbing Rubber ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Plant Matter x2
・Purchase in Shops
A synthetic rubber material made from plant matter. Used in vehicle parts. Sometimes found at item shops and workshops.
Sand Land - Silica StoneSilica Stone ・Harvest from Ore Veins
A stone commonly used as a base ingredient in making glass.
Sand Land - Silver OreSilver Ore ・Loot from Chests
A precious ore used to make accessories and cutlery. For selling.
Sand Land - Small Launcher ScrapSmall Launcher Scrap ・Loot from Chests
Obtained from Jump-bots and motorbikes. Its rare components can be extracted and used to upgrade weapons.
Sand Land - Soldier Bee HoneySoldier Bee Honey ・Defeat enemies: Soldier Bee Dropped by Soldier Bees. Can be used in cooking or as an ingredient in synthesizing special oil.
Sand Land - Special Cobra RubberSpecial Cobra Rubber ・Craft with Shock-Absorbing Rubber x1, Jungle Cobra Venom x1
A highly durable and elastic synthetic rubber made from neutralized Jungle Cobra venom. Used in vehicle parts. Sometimes found at item shops and workshops.
Sand Land - Special Pterano RubberSpecial Pterano Rubber ・Craft with Shock-Absorbing Rubber x1, Dusky Pterano Wing x3, Pale Pterano Wing x1
An incredibly elastic synthetic rubber made with Dusky Pterano wings. Used in vehicle parts. Sometimes found at item shops and workshops.
Sand Land - Standard BoltStandard Bolt ・Craft with Standard Steel x1
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Jump-Bot
A bolt made from standard steel. Used to mod parts. A common find from Battle Tanks and other combat vehicles.
Sand Land - Standard CableStandard Cable ・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Junker
A formerly widely-used mechanical cable. Used to mod vehicles. A rare find that can be obtained from a variety of vehicles.
Sand Land - Standard GearStandard Gear ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Standard Steel x1
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Jump-Bot
A gear made from standard steel. Used to make parts. A common find from military and other transport vehicles.
Sand Land - Standard GunpowderStandard Gunpowder ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Niter x3
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Battle Tank
Gunpowder made from niter. Used to mod parts. Can be obtained from soldiers, item shops, and workshops.
Sand Land - Standard MeterStandard Meter ・Loot from Chests
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Jump-Bot
A common mechanical component. Used to mod parts. A rare find that can be obtained from soldiers and Wannabe Junkers.
Sand Land - Standard SensorStandard Sensor ・Loot from Chests
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Jump-Bot
A common mechanical sensor. Used to mod parts. A rare find that can be obtained from soldiers and Wannabe Junkers.
Sand Land - Standard SpringStandard Spring ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Standard Steel x1
・Purchase in Shops
・Defeat enemies: Jump-Bot
A spring made from standard steel. Used to make parts. A common find from military and other transport vehicles.
Sand Land - Standard SteelStandard Steel ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Iron Ore x1, Lead Ore x1
・Purchase in Shops
A durable, conductive alloy made with lead. Used to mod parts and vehicles. Can be obtained from workshops and vehicles.
Sand Land - StoneStone ・Craft with Iron Ore x1
Processed stone. Used in furniture. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Superhard Croctor AlloySuperhard Croctor Alloy ・Craft with Premium Steel x1, Omega Raptor Scale x1, Crocodile Hide x2
・Craft with Premium Steel x1, Forest Raptor Scale x3, Crocodile Hide x2
A reinforced alloy made by adding powdered Omega Raptor scales and crocodile hides to premium steel. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Superhard Geji AlloySuperhard Geji Alloy ・Craft with Premium Steel x1, Geji Dragon Spike x1
An exceptionally durable, superhard alloy made from premium steel and powdered Geji Dragon spikes. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Superhard Panthator AlloySuperhard Panthator Alloy ・Craft with Premium Steel x1, Large Panther Fang x1, Alpha Raptor Scale x1
・Craft with Premium Steel x1, Large Panther Fang x1, Omega Raptor Scale x1
A superhard alloy made by adding powdered Omega Raptor scales and large panther fangs to premium steel. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Superhard Panther AlloySuperhard Panther Alloy ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Premium Steel x1, Panther Fang x4
・Craft with Premium Steel x1, Large Panther Fang x1
An extremely durable, superhard alloy made from premium steel and large panther fangs. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Superhard Scorptor AlloySuperhard Scorptor Alloy ・Craft with Premium Steel x1, Omega Raptor Scale x1, Killer Scorpion Exoskeleton x3
・Craft with Premium Steel x1, Forest Raptor Scale x3, Killer Scorpion Exoskeleton x3
A reinforced alloy made by adding powdered Omega Raptor scales and Killer Scorpion exoskeletons to premium steel. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Superhard Snaketor AlloySuperhard Snaketor Alloy ・Craft with Premium Steel x1, Omega Raptor Scale x1, Jungle Cobra Scale x2
・Craft with Premium Steel x1, Forest Raptor Scale x3, Jungle Cobra Scale x2
A reinforced alloy made by adding powdered Omega Raptor scales and Jungle Cobra scales to premium steel. Sometimes found at workshops.
Sand Land - Titanium OreTitanium Ore ・Harvest from Ore Veins
An ore containing tough but lightweight titanium. Can be processed into materials for vehicle modding.
Sand Land - Ultra Modding KitUltra Modding Kit ・Purchase at Patago or Spino Trading Post
A design kit for advanced modding of vehicle parts.
Sand Land - Uniride FrameUniride Frame ・Complete Top-Secret Mission Quest
・Complete Bounties
A core component for building a Uniride
Sand Land - Vegetable OilVegetable Oil ・Loot from Chests
・Craft with Plant Matter x2, Cactus x2
・Purchase in Shops
A natural oil extracted from plant matter and cacti. Used to make parts. Found at item shops and workshops.

How to Get Crafting Materials

Found in Chests

Sand Land - Found in Chests

Chests are found all over the map in Sand Land including locations such as Water Supply Points and Grottos. Opening the chests will provide players with different materials.

Interactive Map: All Locations

Loot From Enemies

Defeated enemies have a chance to drop materials corresponding to their type. For instance, vehicular enemies may drop machine-related materials such as gears and springs, while creatures may drop body parts.

Use Thief's Boom Box Skill

Your ally Thief has a skill in his skill tree called Boom Box. When this skill affects an enemy, it will provide a higher chance for the enemy to drop materials.

The Boom Box skill does not work on vehicles and bosses.

Loot From the Environment

Ore Veins Plants

The world in Sand Land is abundant with destructibles that have a chance to drop materials. You can either ram them with your vehicles, shoot them with your weapons, or destroy them with your fists to spawn and harvest the related materials.

Craft at Workshops

Workshops can be found in camps and towns and allow players to exchange materials. If you find yourself having too much of one type and not enough of another, check out the workshops to craft the materials that you need.

Purchase From Shops or Peddlers

Some materials can be found for sale from Peddlers. These can be purchased using Zeni, the game's currency.

How to Use Crafting Materials

Use to Upgrade Vehicles

Materials are used to increase the level of vehicles. Increasing their level will increase their base HP, base defense, and EX Chip slots.

List of Vehicles

Use to Make and Upgrade Vehicle Parts

Make Parts Upgrade Parts

Materials are used to make and upgrade vehicle parts. This can be performed at the garage with Ann.

To make vehicle parts, you first need to unlock its recipe either by unlocking vehicles or acquiring blueprints.

Upgrading parts, on the other, will require you to have an upgradable part in your inventory. Upgrading a vehicle part will improve its stats.

All Vehicle Parts

Use to Craft Other Materials

As mentioned, materials can be used to craft other materials. This can be performed in Workshops found in camps and towns.

Sell Extra Materials For Cash

If you have a lot of materials that you don't need, you can sell them to Peddlers for extra zeni.

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General Tips and Tricks
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Beginner's Guide: 11 Tips and Tricks How to Claim Pre-Order and Demo Bonuses
Money Farming Guide: How to Get Zeni Fast EXP Farming Guide: How to Level Up Fast
Difficulty Settings: Is There a Difficulty Trophy? List of Enemy Drops
How Long to Beat? Best Skills
Best Vehicles Best Crafting Materials
How to Farm Special Parts -
Combat and Action Guides
How to Heal and Repair Vehicles How to Lock on to Enemies
List of All Special Skills: How to Use Special Skills How to Dodge
How to Break Walls How to Cross Gaps
Stealth Guide -
Game Mechanics Guides
Vehicle Customization Explained Room Customization Explained
What is Attack Interval? How to Unlock EX Chip Slots
How to Use Nitro When Do Enemies and Items Respawn?
How to Use Modding Kits -
Story Events Guides
Negotiate or Pay Up? Junker For Choice -


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