Sand Land

Get Food and Water in Town Walkthrough

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This is a walkthrough for the Get Food and Water in Town Main Quest in Sand Land. See a detailed walkthrough of Get Food and Water in Town, where to find all 5 Food and Water supplies in Talbo, how to beat the Bandit Leader, the items that can be found in it, as well as useful tips for completing Get Food and Water in Town.

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Get Food and Water in Town Walkthrough

No. Step-By-Step Walkthrough
1 Head along the path following the quest markers.
Optional: Talk to the Peddler at Pisci Camp and he'll sell his wares to you. We suggest getting a Health Drink or two from him so you can replenish your HP if things go south during a battle.
Optional: As you follow the quest markers, you'll stumble upon a few Grottos along the way. Go to these grottos and loot the chests inside to get a couple of crafting materials.
4 Follow the quest marker until you reach the stone arch.
Fight the bandits and the bandit leader, the game's first boss. Gain 150 EXP and 250 Zeni for defeating him.
6 By this time, you'd have leveled up! Go to the characters menu and teach Beelzebub, Rao, and Thief their first skills.
7 After getting your first set of skills, it's time to head for the town again. However, you have to go on foot because your car now has flat tires.

Follow the quest marker to reach the town.
Optional: On your way to Talbo, you'll stumble upon a Rescue Quest.

Save the peddler from the raptors to obtain EXP and 229 Zeni. You can also buy wares from him after he's been saved.
9 Head for Talbo for real this time and gather supplies at 5 locations around the town.

All 5 Food and Water Supplies Locations

No. All 5 Food and Water Supplies Locations
Right ahead on entering town.
After getting the first supplies, go back around the left side of the house. Wait for the girl to pass, and when her arrow turns white, go across to get the second set of supplies.
Go around the back of the fenced farm plot and take the supplies on the left side.
Go up the stairs and get the supplies from the edge of the house, while being careful not to go far over enough to be seen by the woman with the red arrow over her head.
Jump on top of the crates to the left and up to the cliff to find a path wrapping around. Go around the left side of the house and get the last set of supplies to finish the quest.

Get Food and Water in Town Boss Guide

Bandit Leader

Your first boss fight in Sand Land is the Bandit Leader and he's there to teach you the basics of evasion.

Make sure to evade when he swings his weapon at you or when you see a red glow around him. Then, follow it up right away with a combination of normal and heavy attacks.

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No. Quest
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4 Get Food and Water in Town
5 A Tank? Sign Me Up!
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7 Tank Repairs
8 A Jump-bot?! Gimme!
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10 Speaking the Truth
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