Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Lynel Safari Walkthrough

Lynel Safari walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, Lynel Safari, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start Lynel Safari, and all quest rewards.

How to Start Lynel Safari

Laflat location

Lynel Safari Location

Quest Giver Laflat
Location Zora's Domain
Region Lanayru

Talk to Laflat in Zora's Domain to start the quest. You can find her at the east side of the floor below the throne room.

Lynel Safari Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Laflat

Objectives Guide
Talk to Laflat
Start the quest by talking to Laflat, who will ask you to take a picture of the Lynel atop of Ploymus Mountain.

Take a Picture of the Lynel

Go to Ploymus Mountain
Ploymus Mountain is located northeast of Zora's Domain. Go to its peak and find the Red-Maned Lynel.
3 Take a picture of the Lynel Hide behind one of the rocks and use your Camera Rune to take a picture of the Lynel. Take the shot when the red exclamation point appears for the photo to count.

Return to Laflat

4 Talk to Laflat Return to Zora's Domain and show the picture to Laflat to receive your reward and complete the quest.

Lynel Safari Quest Rewards

You will receive the Zora Greaves from Laflat after you show her the picture of the Lynel.

How to Get the Zora Set

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Lynel Safari.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Laflat asked that you show her a picture of a red-maned Lynel if you see one. The nearest one she knows of is on Ploymus Mountain.
Use whatever means you have at your disposal to give her a look.
Quest Clear You showed Laflat a picture of a red-maned Lynel.
She gave you her Zora greaves as a reward.

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

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Quests by Type

BotW Quest Types
Main Quests Side Quests
Shrine Quests DLC Quests

All BotW Quest Walkthroughs


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