Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

The Sheep Rustlers Walkthrough

The Sheep Rustlers walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, The Sheep Rustlers, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start The Sheep Rustlers, and all quest rewards.

How to Start The Sheep Rustlers

Koyin location

The Sheep Rustlers Location

Quest Giver Koyin
Location Hateno Village
Region Hateno

Talk to Koyin in Hateno Village to start the quest. She lives in the nearest house to the west of Hateno Ancient Tech Lab.

The Sheep Rustlers Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Koyin

Objectives Guide
Talk to Koyin
Koyin in Hateno Village needs help fending off monsters that have been stealing her sheep.

Defeat the Monsters

Go to Hateno Beach
The monsters are said to come from Hateno Beach. Travel southeast until you see the monsters.
Defeat the monsters
By "fend off" she actually meant "kill". Kill every single monster on the camp which are mostly Bokoblins.

Chest in the camp
Optional: A chest containing a Ruby will unlock after defeating all the monsters.

Return to Koyin

4 Talk to Koyin Return to Koyin and she will thank you with 10 bottles of Fresh Milk.

The Sheep Rustlers Quest Rewards

The Sheep Rustlers reward 1

Defeating all the monsters in the camp will unlock a chest containing a Ruby.

The Sheep Rustlers reward 2

Return to Koyin and she will give you 10 bottles of Fresh Milk for defeating all the monsters at Hateno Beach.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for The Sheep Rustlers.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start A shepherd in Hateno Village named Koyin is worried that monsters will make off with her flock of sheep.

According to her, the monsters in question congregate at Hateno Beach. She won't breathe easy until every last monster there is defeated.
1st Update You defeated every last monster lurking on Hateno Beach! The village is safe for sheep at last.

Go tell Koyin in Hateno Village that the monsters will trouble her flock no more.
Quest Clear You told Koyin that you cleared the out the monsters living on Hateno Beach. In return, she gave you a handsome reward.
You feel like you're getting along quite well with Koyin new! Maybe?

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