Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

The Hero's Cache Walkthrough

The Hero

This is a guide to the Side Quest, The Hero's Cache, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start The Hero's Cache and all quest rewards.

How to Start The Hero's Cache

Kass location

The Hero's Cache Location

Quest Giver Kass
Location Kitano Bay
Region Hateno

Talk to Kass atop a pillar in Kitano Bay to start the quest. Kitano Bay is located south of Hateno Village.

The Hero's Cache Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Kass

Objectives Guide
Talk to Kass
You can find Kass at the top of a rock pillar in Kitano Bay. Talk to him and hear his song.

Find the Cache

2 Find the cache "17 of 24" refers to the 24-hour clock. From the pillar, glide southeast (or 5 o'clock to be precise) and land on a rock.
Grab the cache
Use Magnesis to find the chest underwater then grab it. Open the chest to obtain a Gold Rupee.

The Hero's Cache Quest Rewards

The Hero

The Gold Rupee is yours to keep after you discover the cache mentioned in the song.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for The Hero's Cache.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start "An ancient hero spoke these words: 'One day I'll return to fight evil. My cache is at 17 of 24, This rock will point towards its retrieval."

The ancient verse you heard from Kass points to something, but what?
Quest Clear "An ancient hero spoke these words: 'One day I'll return to fight evil. My cache is at 17 of 24, This rock will point towards its retrieval."

You've solved the riddle of the ancient verse that Kass recited and earned a gold rupee for your trouble.

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