Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

The Giant of Ralis Pond Walkthrough

The Giant of Ralis Pond walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, The Giant of Ralis Pond, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start The Giant of Ralis Pond and all quest rewards.

How to Start The Giant of Ralis Pond

Torfeau location

The Giant of Ralis Pond Location

Quest Giver Torfeau
Location Zora's Domain
Region Lanayru

To start the quest, you must first complete the Divine Beast Vah Ruta quest then talk to Torfeau who is by the pools of Zora's Domain.

The Giant of Ralis Pond Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Torfeau

Objectives Guide
Talk to Torfeau
Talk to Torfeau, who asks you to defeat a Hinox since you successfully appeased Ruta.

Defeat the Hinox

Go to Ralis Pond
Ralis Pond is just southwest of Zora's Domain. Go there and find the Hinox.
Defeat the Hinox
Defeat the Blue Hinox on Ralis Pond.

Shoot its eye to stagger it then attack with your melee weapon. Repeat until the Hinox is defeated.

Return to Torfeau

4 Talk to Torfeau Return to Torfeau and he will give you a Silver Rupee for defeating the Hinox.

The Giant of Ralis Pond Quest Rewards

The Giant of Ralis Pond reward 1

Return to Torfeau after dealing with the Hinox to be rewarded with a Silver Rupee.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for The Giant of Ralis Pond.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Torfeau of Zora's Domain tasked you with hunting a Hinox.

The giant in question is said to be at Ralis Pond.
1st Update You succesfully defeated the Hinox at Ralis Pond.

Go report back to Torfeau in Zora's Domain.
Quest Clear You defeated the Hinox at Ralis Pond and reported it to Torfeau, who praised you.

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