Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

The Forgotten Sword Walkthrough

The Forgotten Sword walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, The Forgotten Sword, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start The Forgotten Sword and all quest rewards.

How to Start The Forgotten Sword

Bozai location

The Forgotten Sword Location

Quest Giver Bozai
Location Gerudo Desert
Region Wasteland

After completing The Eighth Heroine side quest, talk to Bozai again under the tent outside Gerudo Town to start this quest.

The Forgotten Sword Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Bozai

Objectives Guide
Talk to Bozai
Wear the Gerudo Set then talk to Bozai again.

This time, Bozai wants to see a picture of the eighth heroine's sword in exchange for his Snow Boots.

Take a Picture of the Forgotten Sword

Find the statue's sword
Head to the Gerudo Summit, which is just southeast of the statue, and find the statue's sword.
Take a picture of the statue's sword
Take a picture of the sword using your Camera rune. Take the shot once the red exclamation point appears.

Return to Bozai

4 Talk to Bozai Return to Gerudo Town and show the picture to Bozai for your end of the bargain to receive a pair of Snow Boots.

The Forgotten Sword Quest Rewards

The Forgotten Sword reward 1

Return to Bozai with the picture of the Forgotten Sword and you'll get his Snow Boots, too, leaving him barefooted.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for The Forgotten Sword.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start The eighth heroine actually had a sword!

Bozai may have just made it up, but it seems worth checking out, at least. The sword said to be once held by the eighth heroine is most likely somewhere in the Gerudo Highlands.
Show a picture of the eighth heroine's sword to Bozai to get the snow boots.
Quest Clear You found the eighth heroine's sword at the summit of the Gerudo Highlands.

You took a picture of the sword, so Bozai kept his promise and gave you the snow boots.

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