Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Legendary Rabbit Trial Walkthrough

Legendary Rabbit Trial walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, Legendary Rabbit Trial, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start Legendary Rabbit Trial, and all quest rewards.

How to Start Legendary Rabbit Trial

Peeks location

Legendary Rabbit Trial Location

Quest Giver Peeks
Location Great Hyrule Forest
Region Woodland

Talk to Peeks at the base of the Great Deku Tree in Korok Forest to start this side quest.

Legendary Rabbit Trial Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Peeks

Objectives Guide
Talk to Peeks
Talk to Peeks at the base of the Great Deku Tree to start this quest.

You can find him walking around the entrance.

Take a Picture of a Blupee

Find a Blupee
They are found during the night and you can usually find one near Ta'loh Naeg Shrine, up the path leading to the Great Fairy Fountain.
Take a picture of the Blupee
Move silently when going near the Blupee to keep it from getting startled. Use your Camera Rune and take a shot when the red exclamation point appears.

Show the Picture to Peeks

4 Talk to Peeks Return to Korok Forest and show Peeks the picture to receive your Silver Rupee reward.

Legendary Rabbit Trial Quest Rewards

Legendary Rabbit Trial reward 1

Peeks will give you a Silver Rupee after returning with the picture.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Legendary Rabbit Trial.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Peeks really wants to see what a Blupee looks like. Even a picture will do.

Apparently the Blupee is a mysterious creature that glows brightly as it scampers around.
Quest Clear You showed Peeks a picture of a Blupee.

The Blupee is a rare glowing creature that drops rupees when you shoot it with an arrow.

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