Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

From the Ground Up Walkthrough: How to Build Tarrey Town

From the Ground Up walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, From the Ground Up, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start From the Ground Up and all quest rewards.

How to Start From the Ground Up

Hudson location

From the Ground Up Location

Quest Giver Hudson
Location Hateno Village
Region Hateno

After buying the house from Bolson during the Hylian Homeowner side quest, speak with Hudson and he will set off to Akkala and trigger this side quest.

From the Ground Up Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Gather 10 Wood Bundles for Hudson then Find Greyson

Objectives Guide
Speak with Hudson in Hateno Village
After buying the house during the Hylian Homeowner side quest, speak with Hudson to trigger the From the Ground Up side quest.
Find Hudson in Tarrey Town
Make your way to Tarrey Town in the Akkala region and talk to Hudson again.
3 Gather 10 wood bundles Cut down trees to gather 10 wood bundles and bring it back to Hudson.
Find Greyson in the Southern Mine
Talk to Greyson in the Southern Mine and he will move to Tarrey Town right away after the conversation.

You can find him sitting beside a cooking pot.

Gather 20 Wood Bundles for Hudson then Find Rhondson

5 Gather 20 wood bundles Talk to Hudson back in Tarrey Town and he will ask you to gather 20 wood bundles for him.
Find Rhondson in Kara Kara Bazaar
Go to Kara Kara Bazaar and talk to Rhondson to let her know about Tarrey Town.

You can find her under a tent near the inn.

Gather 30 Wood Bundles for Hudson then Find Fyson

7 Gather 30 wood bundles Go back to Tarrey Town and talk to Hudson. He will ask you to gather 30 wood bundles for him this time.
Find Fyson in Rito Village
Head to Rito Village and talk to Fyson to convince him to go to Tarrey Town.

You can find him sitting near the entrance.

Gather 50 Wood Bundles for Hudson then Find Kapson

9 Gather 50 wood bundles Return to Tarrey Town and talk to Hudson, who will now ask you to gather 50 wood bundles for him.
Find Kapson in Zora's Domain
Head to Zora's Domain and talk to Kapson to have him officiate the wedding.

You can find him in the area above Ne'ez Yohma Shrine.

Prepare for the Wedding Ceremony

11 Invite Bolson and Karson Travel to Hateno Village and speak with Bolson and Karson.

You can still find them near your house.
12 Attend the wedding ceremony Return to Tarrey Town and speak with Hudson to start the ceremony.
13 Speak with Hudson Find Hudson and talk to him to complete the side quest.

From the Ground Up Quest Rewards

From the Ground Up reward 1

Talk to Hudson after the wedding and he will reward you with 3 Diamonds as compensation for your work.

From the Ground Up reward 2

You can also rest in Tarrey Town's inn for free! Just talk to Kapson so he can accommodate you.

From the Ground Up reward 3

At the top of the house on the right of the town's entrance, you can find Granté, who will sell you rare armor set pieces.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for From the Ground Up.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Hudson, Bolson Construction's veteran carpenter, has departed for the Akkala region to expand the business.

Akkala is far to the north of Hateno Village. If you happen to be passing by, stop in and pay Hudson a visit.
1st Update You bumped into Hudson in the Akkala region, and it sounds like he plans on building a town as part of Bolson Construction's expanison. He even has a name picked out—it will be known as Tarrey Town. That said, he is missing a few things required to make a town.

You know, small things—like lumber.

Bring him 10 bundles of wood to get him started.
2nd Update You brought Hudson enough wood to get him started, but now he needs to break the boulders scattered across the future site of Tarrey Town. He's asked you to find a Goron strong enough to help out.

According to the Bolson Construction hiring guidelines, you need to seek out a Goron whose name ends in "son." The guidelines are unusually specific about this.
3rd Update Greyson the Goron has moved to Tarrey Town, and his younger brother Pelison tagged along for the ride.

Pay the town a visit to make sure they arrived safely, and check in with Hudson while you're there.
4th Update Greyson and Pelison arrived safely in Tarrey Town and got right to work. Greyson is breaking apart the boulders, and Pelison is selling the ore they find within.

Hudson wants to build some more buildings, but he needs more material. Twenty bundles of wood should hold him over for this next bunch of buildings.
5th Update You delivered more wood to Hudson.

But now he needs someone who can mend his work clothes. He wants you to find a Gerudo skilled at sewing, but remember the stipulation in the Bolson Construction hiring guidelines: the Gerudo's name must end in "son."
6th Update A Gerudo by the name of Rhondson has moved to Tarrey Town.

Pay the town a visit to make sure she arrived safely. Check in with Hudson while you're there.
7th Update Rhondson arrived safely in Tarrey Town and got right to work. She is not only mending work clothes—she also opened up an armor shop!

Hudson wants to build more buildings, but he's run out of materials once again.

Another 30 bundles of wood should cover him for now.
8th Update You brought Hudson more wood.

His next goal is to open up a general store and trade routes, and he thinks a Rito merchant would be perfect for the job.

Find a Rito with the know-how to manage a shop and the connections to set up trade, and of course, make sure his or her name ends in "son."
9th Update A Rito by the name of Fyson has moved to Tarrey Town to run the general store.

Pay the town a visit to make sure he arrived safely, and check in with Hudson while you're there.
10th Update Fyson arrived safely in Tarrey Town and put the experience he gained from running his family's shop to good use. He opened up a general store!

Hudson wants to build another batch of buildings, but he needs more material.

Bring him another 50 bundles of wood.
11th Update You brought Hudson enough wood!

And now, as it turns out, Hudson is engaged to Rhondson! Can you believe it?

They want to hold a ceremony, so he wants you to find a Zora who can officiate. Even though this Zora technically won't be working for Hudson's company, he would be much more comfortable if the Zora's name ended in "son."
12th Update A former Zora priest by the name of Kapson has moved to Tarrey Town!

Pay the town a visit to make sure he arrived safely and to see what other shenanigans Hudson has been up to. There's always something going on with that guy!
13th Update Kapson, a Zora and former priest, arrived safely in Tarrey Town and began making preparations for the wedding ceremony.

Hudson wants to invite Bolson and Karson to his wedding but he's too busy with preparations of his own. Go to Hateno Village to invite Bolson and Karson.
14th Update Bolson and Karson departed for Tarrey Town.

All that's left now is to return to the town yourself and enjoy Hudson and Rhondson's wedding ceremony!

Head back to the town and look for Hudson.
15th Update Hudson and Rhondson's wedding was a shining beacon in an otherwise dark, dangerous world.

Rhondson was a little taken aback by a few of the vows, but everything worked out fine and is in perfect compliance with Bolson Construction's guidelines.

It's only polite to give your blessing to the lovely couple who just vowed their undying love, so go talk to Hudson.
Quest Clear Hudson and Rhondson are happily married, and Tarry Town is enjoying great prosperity.
As a sign of appreciation for bringing the town together and as compensation for your work, Hudson gave you a hefty amount of gems that were unearthed during the town's construction.
You wished the couple eternal happiness before heading on your way.

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