Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

A Wife Washed Away Walkthrough

Breath of the Wild (BotW) A Wife Washed Away Side Quest

This is a guide to the Side Quest, A Wife Washed Away, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find a quest walkthrough, where to start A Wife Washed Away and all quest rewards.

How to Start A Wife Washed Away


A Wife Washed Away Location

Quest Giver Fronk
Location Zora's Domain
Region Lanayru

You can talk to Fronk to start this quest after the Divine Beast Vah Ruta dungeon has been cleared.

Fronk's Location

Where to find Fronk at Night
At night, Fronk can be found in the middle of Zora's Domain, one level above the shrine in the area.
Where to find Fronk during Daytime
During the day, he can be found working on a pillar on the east side of Zora's Domain.

A Wife Washed Away Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Fronk

Objectives Guide
Talk to Fronk
First, start the quest by finding Fronk. You have to clear Vah Ruta before he will give you the quest.
Get Hints
Optional: If you keep talking to Fronk after accepting the quest, he will give you hints on where his wife could be.

Find Mei

Breath of the Wild - A Wife Washed Away Location

Go to Lake Hylia
Mei is further away than you might suspect, and finding her requires first going to Lake Hylia. The shrine closest to her is the Ya Naga Shrine on Hylia Island, so teleport there if you can.

Getting to Hylia Island
If you don't have access to the Ya Naga Shrine, you can get to Hylia Island by going north from the Lake Tower or south from the Great Plateau Tower. The island is located on the left side of the Bridge of Hylia.
Talk to Mei
Mei will either be swimming close to the island or standing on the banks, so find her and talk to her. This will complete the quest for you and earn you the quest rewards.

A Wife Washed Away Quest Rewards

Wife Washed Away Reward (BotW)

Mei, the missing wife, will give you 5 Staminoka Bass when you find her, then leave to go back to Zora's Domain.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for A Wife Washed Away.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Clear You found Mei fishing in Lake Hylia.

She left the fish she caught with you and hurried back to Fronk.

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