Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

How to Get the Flamebreaker Outfit

This is a guide to getting the Flamebreaker Outfit in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Read on to see where to get the Flamebreaker Helm, Flamebreaker Armor, and Flamebreaker Boots.

Flamebreaker Outfit Set Pieces

Set Pieces

Flamebreaker Set
Headgear (Cap) Armor (Tunic) Greaves (Boots)
Flamebreaker Helm IconFlamebreaker Helm Flamebreaker Armor IconFlamebreaker Armor Flamebreaker Boots IconFlamebreaker Boots

In-Game Description

Flamebreaker Helm IconFlamebreaker Helm Stone headgear made by Goron craftsmen to protect tourists visiting Goron City. As if its flame resistance isn't enough of a selling point, it also covers your entire head!
Flamebreaker Armor IconFlamebreaker Armor Armor crafted by Gorons for Hylians curious enough to visit Goron City. It's made from the highest-quality rocks, offering protection against magma and the like.
Flamebreaker Boots IconFlamebreaker Boots Goron artisans used flame-resistance rocks to craft these heatproof boots for curious Hylians visiting Goron City.

How to Get the Flamebreaker Set

How to Get the Flamebreaker Helm

Unlock Condition
Unlocked by completing the quest: Fighting Fire With....

Fighting Fire With... Information

How to Unlock
Clear the Battle: Water and Fire
Yunobo: Special-Attack Gauge +1
Flamebreaker Helm
Required Materials
Fire Keese Wing IconFire Keese Wing
Lizalfos Tail IconLizalfos Tail
Chuchu Trophy IconChuchu Trophy
Red Lizalfos Tail IconRed Lizalfos Tail

List of Quests and Rewards

How to Get the Flamebreaker Armor

Unlock Condition
Unlocked by completing the battle: Daruk, the Goron Hero

Story Walkthrough

How to Get the Flamebreaker Boots

Unlock Condition
Unlocked by completing the challenge: Tough Bulwark of the Gorons

List of Challenges

All Age of Calamity Outfits

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Outfit Sets
List of All Outfit Sets

Outfit Sets
Hylian SetHylian Outfit Soldier SetSoldier's Outfit Snowquill SetSnowquill Outfit
Desert Voe SetDesert Voe Outfit Gerudo SetGerudo Outfit Rubber SetRubber Outfit
Flamebreaker SetFlamebreaker Outfit Zora SetZora Outfit Stealth SetStealth Outfit
Climbing SetClimbing Outfit Barbarian SetBarbarian Outfit Radiant SetRadiant Outfit
Dark Link SetDark Link Outfit Hero of the WildHero of the Wild Outfit Hyrule WarriorHyrule Warrior's Outfit
Royal Guard SetRoyal Guard Outfit Prototype Ancient Gear.pngPrototype Ancient Gear -


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