Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

A Royal Investigation Challenge Walkthrough

A Royal Investigation Banner

This is a guide for A Royal Investigation, a Challenge in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Read on to learn the best way to clear the challenge as well as obtainable rewards, materials and more!

A Royal Investigation Basic Information

A Royal Investigation
Challenge Level Range 61-70
Recommended Level 61
Region Central Hyrule
Special Conditions Restricted Allies
Time Limited
Unlock Conditions Clear the Challenge: The Master Kohga Chronicles!
Restricted Allies Zelda
First-Clear Rewards

A Royal Investigation - Materials and Enemies

Battlefield-Specific Materials

List of Materials

Main Enemies

List of Enemies

A Royal Investigation Walkthrough

  1. Capture 3 Outposts
  2. Defeat the 2 Malice Lynels

A Royal Investigation - Tips and Strategy Guide

Fight the Lynels inside the Church

Lynel Inside the Church

For this challenge, we recommend fighting the Lynels inside their respective outposts/churches. Because of the time-constrained nature of the challenge, fighting the Lynel inside the outpost gives you the chance to clear the outpost boss along with the Lynel.

If you are having a hard time, you can always lure the Lynel outside the outpost but that would be very time inefficient since you would need to clear the outpost afterwards. Defeating the Lynel inside the outpost area is completely possible by focusing on the Lynel - and the Lynel alone.

Stock Up on Rods and Apples

Do not Have Rods and Apples

We recommend that you stock up on elemental rods and apples before this challenge. Lynels hit hard and they will chip away your health fast!

Also, the Lynels in this challenge are elementals (Fire, Ice, and Electric) so you can use elemental rods to your advantage.

Healing Items and How to Heal

Use Bow Zelda

Bow Zelda

Bow Zelda is a better choice when fighting Powerful Foes than the Sheikah Slate Zelda. Bow Zelda can deal tons of damage by putting light rings onto the enemy and using her Luminescent form to deal increased damage!

Zelda Usage Guide, Builds, Combos, and How to Unlock

Take Note of the Map

A Royal Investigation Route

Looking from the default mini-map, the path to the third outpost can be easily missed. You can zoom-in the mini-map by pressing the Left Analog Stick.

Knowing the correct path will save you from losing a lot of time by going the long way around.

Do Not Lock-on the Malice Lynels

When fighting the pair of Malice Lynels near the end, do not lock-on any of them. This allows you to see the movements of both Malice Lynels to better execute Perfect Dodges.

Age of Calamity Controls and Controller Options

Use Cooking

Cooking for Attack

We suggest using food recipes here that increases Attack. You can eat up to three dishes and increase your Attack up to +32% once you have unlocked 3 Cooking slots.

Cooking Guide and List of Recipes

Use Two-Player Mode

Use Two Player Mode

Do not forget that Age of Calamity has a two-player mode! This method allows you to use another character of your choice especially if you are having trouble using Zelda. We suggest using the most powerful character in your roster!

Take note however, that this requires that you have another controller for your Nintendo Switch but you can always use both joy-cons.

Also, in contrast with single-player, the character you are not using will remain idle and not attack anything. Be sure to check on the idle character from time to time and defeat enemies near them to keep them safe!

How to Play Multiplayer

Set the Difficulty to Easy

Easy Mode
If you are really stuck and at the end of your wits, we suggest setting the difficulty mode to Easy. Enemies are easier to defeat and they do not hit that hard in this difficulty so the problem with the time constraint and survivability may be solved.

Of course, you can always change the difficulty back afterward!

Difference Between Difficulty Modes: Which Difficulty Should You Choose?

Related Links

HW:AoC - Challenges
List of Challenges


2 Anonymousalmost 4 years

Ah ah it burns Lynel

1 Anonymousabout 4 years

Very useful


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