Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Divine Beast Tamer's Trial Dungeon Walkthrough

BOTW - Divine Beast Tamer
This is a dungeon walkthrough for Divine Beast Tamer's Trial in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Read on to learn how to activate all terminals, get all the Treasure Chests, and overcome Monk Maz Koshia's final trial!

How to Find the Divine Beast Tamer's Trial

The Divine Beast Tamer's Trial is located in the Shrine of Resurrection on the Great Plateau. You can access the dungeon after completing all four Champion's Song quests and returing the Sheiikah Slate.

Divine Beast Tamer's Trial

Divine Beast Tamer's Trial Dungeon Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Activate the Guidance Stone

Objectives Guide
1 Defeat the Guardian Scout Press forward and defeat the Guardian Scout on the left side of the area.
2 Activate the Guidance Stone Head to the central area and activate the Guidance Stone.
3 Divine Beast Map Take a good look at the map of the dungeon, which looks and has similar functions to previous Divine Beasts.
The four terminals Link needs to activate are located in four separate rooms.

Activate the First Terminal in the Cylindrical Room

Objectives Guide
1 Head into the Left Room Make your way back to the entrance and head into the left side room.
2 Rotate the Dungeon
The Gears Start Spinning
Use the map to chance the rotation direction of the dungeon to the left.
The room itself will not spin, but the gears outside it will activate.
3 Activate the Left Room Use Magnesis on the spinning metal slab and push it into the slot on the wall. This causes the left room to start spinning.
4 Get the Treasure Chest on the Spinning Ledge
Enter the Cylindrical Room and stand on the spinning ledge to reach the treasure chest that contains a Gerudo Scimitar.
5 Extend the Metal Slab Look for the spinning structure in the middle of the room with a metal slab on its end.
Use Magnesis on the metal slab and extend it to the right.
6 Head to the Upper Right Ledge Stand on the spinning middle structure to reach a small ledge to the right stairs.
7 Extend the Metal Slab Head up the stairs and use Magnesis on the right metal slab and extend it to the left to drop it on the floor.
8 Place it on the Middle Slot Place the metal slab on the middle slot in the room. This causes the other metal slab to hit it and cause the other side of the structure to spin.
9 Activate the First Terminal
The First Lock Opens
Head into the room and activate the First Terminal.
This deactivates one of the locks on the main door.
9 Dispatch the Four Guardian Scouts
The First Lock Opens
Exit the Cylindrical Room and dispatch the four Guardian Scouts that have appeared.

Activate the Second Terminal in the Lava Room

Objectives Guide
1 Spin the Lava Wheel On the right side of the room is a spinning wheel on lava.
Make sure the gears are glowing red and is spinning upwards.
2 Ride the Lava Wheel Ride the wheel upwards and head inside the lava room.
3 Cross the Spiked Path Activate the dungeon controls so that the central path with the spikes is spinning to the right.
Head to the opposite side of the room by crossing the non-spiked path.
4 Solve the Orb Puzzle
Use Stasis
This part of the room has a spinning section of the wall with some chutes.
Wait for the lower chute is below the orb and stand on the switch to drop it.
Note: You can also use Stasis on the spinning gear and make it easier for the orb to drop into the cute.
5 Drop the Orb Outside Once the orb is in the chute, use the dungeon controls and rotate it to the opposite side so that the orb doesn't fall into the lava.
Adjust the rotation accordingly until the orb falls outside of the chutes and on the extended platform.
6 Unlock the Gate Place the orb on the sliding chute so that it falls on the switch on the opposite side.
This unlocks the gate with the Second Terminal inside.
7 Activate the Second Terminal
The Second Lock Opens
Head into the room and activate the Second Terminal.
This deactivates one of the locks on the main door.
8 Dispatch the Guardian Turret Exit the Lava Room and dispatch the Guardian Turret that appeared in the central area.

Activate the Third Terminal in the Fan Room

Objectives Guide
1 Head to the Upper Level Ride the spinning platforms up to the upper level of the main area.
Note: Make sure the gears glow red so that the platforms takes you to the upper level.
2 Defeat the Guardian Scout Cross the spinning axle and defeat the Guardian Scout on the other end.
3 Head to the Right Side of the Platform
Grab the Chest
After defeating the Guardian Scout, head to the right side of the platform where you can see a metal slab.
Optional: Use Magnesis on the chest and open it to receive 5 Bomb Arrows.
4 Attach the Metal Slab
Connect the Two Slabs
The Wall of Gears are Activated
Use Magnesis on the metal slab and attach it into the slot on the upper right side with the wall of gears.
Use Magnesis on the other metal slab and extend it so that it fits with the other one.
This should activate the wall of gears to the right.
5 Enter the Fan Room
Dispatch the Hidden Guardian
Open the Chest
Drop down and enter the door through the wall of gears and inside the Fan Room.
Use Stasis on the giant fan and quickly make your way to the back area and defeat the hidden Guardian Scout.
Optional: Open the chest its guarding to receive a Swallow Bow.
6 Head to the Upper Platform
Rotate the Dungeon
Make your way back to the other side of the fan and climb up the ladder and onto a platform.
Rotate the dungeon so that the gears on the opposite side of the room glow blue. This causes the wind to blow away from the fan.
7 Paraglide to the Platform Ride the current using your Paraglidier and glide to the opposite platform with the stairs.
8 Rotate the Dungeon
Stop the Moving Platform
Paraglide to the Moving Platform
Rotate the dungeon once more so that the wind is now blowing towards the fan.
Use Stasis on the moving platform when it reaches the middle.
Ride the current using the Paraglider to reach the platform.
9 Stop the Fan
Activate the Third Terminal
The Third Lock Opens
Wait for the moving platform to reach the right side of the room and then quickly use Stasis on the giant fan.
Paraglide down to Third Terminal and activate it.
This deactivates one of the locks on the main door.
10 Dispatch the Guardian Skywatcher Make your way out of the Fan Romm and up the platform. Destory the Guardian Skywatcher that's now hovering around near the main entrance of the dungeon.

Activate the Fourth Terminal in the Water Room

Objectives Guide
1 Head to the Upper Left Level Head to the upper left level of the main room, which is on the opposite side of the Fan Room.
2 Stop the Spinning Block
Cross the Platform
Use Stasis on one of the small rectangular blocks once they extend down from their shaft.
This causes the extended block to hit the gear that raises a small bridge to the Water Room.
3 Raise the Pin Use Cryonis on the water under the pin to raise it. This causes the pin to connect with the rest of the moving gears.
4 Head into the Flooded Room Ride the rotating platform to reach the upper level. Glide to the upper level and head through the hallway and into the flooded back part of the room.
5 Use Stasis on the Spigot
Spin the Spigot
Open the Chest
Use Stasis on the spigot-like structure.
Hit ithe structure with a weapon on its right side so that it spins counter-clockwise once stasis ends. This drains the water from the basin on the left.
Drop down the basin and open the chest to receive a Zora's Spear.
6 Head into the Switch Room
Stand on the Switch
Head into the room opposite of the chest. This is the room with a switch on a small platform.
Stand on the switch and use Magnesis and grab the metal ball from its container.
7 Place the Metal Ball on the Block
Step on the Switch
Create an Ice Block
Place the metal ball on top of the block.
Step on the switch to launch the ball to the opposite room. This also causes the metal ball to hit the spigot, which will flood the rooms once more.
Use Cryonis to create an ice block to reach the platform where the Fourth Terminal is located.
8 Activate the Fourth Terminal
The Fourth Lock Opens
Activate the Fourth Terminal with the Sheikah Slate.
This deactivates one of the locks on the main door.
9 Unlock the Main Door
The Altar Room is Revealed
With all terminals activated, head to the main door and use Magnesis on the spinning gear and attach it with the axle on the main door.
This opens the door, revealing the altar room where Monk Maz Koshia resides.

Defeat Monk Maz Koshia

Objectives Guide
1 Examine the Altar Examine the altar of Monk Maz Koshia.
2 Defeat Monk Maz Koshia Prove your worthiness by defeating Monk Maz Koshia in a final battle. He wields a Guardian Sword and uses a plethora of Sheikah abilities that will test the limts of Link's combat skills.
Monk Maz Koshia Guide
3 The Final Trial Completed
The Master Cycle Zero Rune
After defeating Monk Maz Koshia, he will commend Link's bravery and acknowledge him as a true hero.
He will also reward Link with a new rune that summons the Master Cycle Zero - his personal Divine Beast.

How to Beat Monk Maz Koshia

As the Arbiter of Worthiness, Monk Maz Koshia is one of the toughest bosses in the game. Not only is he quick and nimble, he also employs powerful Sheikah abilities that will will leave Link chasing after him throughout the fight.

Monk Maz Koshia has three phases, using different sets of skills each time.

First Phase

In this stage, Monk Maz Koshia's combat skills are quite similar to the Yiga Clan Footsoldiers. He will teleport around the arena, slashing Link with his Guardian Sword. Use Stasis to freeze the monk in place and pummel him with your strongest weapons!

The monk also uses a magic spell similar to the ones used by Yiga Clan Blademasters, which causes a pillar of rock to erupt beneath Links' feet. When this happens, prepare to glide up using the air vents that appear and shoot the monk's head with your bow to stun him.

Second Phase

During the second phase, Monk Maz Koshia will split himself into 9 illusory copies. These copies employ the same abilities as the original and can damage Link. Hitting a copy causes it to vanish in a puff of smoke.

The most challenging part of this phase is finding the real Maz Koshia, but there are many ways you can go about revealing the original.

Use Urbosa's Fury

Urbosa's Fury will knock out all copies and momentarily stun the real monk, allowing you to freeze him with Stasis and strike him with your strongest weapons.

Use Multi-Shot Bows

Multi-Shot Bows are also a good weapon to use against him in this stage since you can hit multiple copies with your 3-Shot or 5-Shot bows.

Note: The battle takes place in the rain, so you can't use Bomb Arrows against the monk.

Third Phase

BOTW - Divine Beast Tamer
During his third and last phase, Monk Maz Koshia will magically increase his size to roughly the same size of a Hinox, and will levitate above the arena.

Shoot his Eye

Shoot Monk Maz Koshia's head to interrupt his attacks. Shooting him three times consecutively also knocks him down to the arena.

Reflect his Laser Beam

Monk Maz Koshia will use a laser beam similar to Guardian Stalkers. Ready your shield and parry the laser beam to reflect his attack and deal good damage to him!

Redirect his Lightning

BOTW - Divine Beast Tamer
Monk Maz Koshia will summon large spiked metal balls that he will throw at Link. After throwing his last metal ball, he will then charge up a lightning attack that will strike all metal balls and deal damage to the surrounding area.

Use Magnesis on one of the spiked metal balls and bring it close to Monk Maz Koshia. When he unleashes his lightining, he will get hit by his own attack and will fall to the arena, allowing you to hit him with your weapons.

Divine Beast Tamer's Trial Dungeon Rewards

Dungeon Rewards

Divine Beast Tamer's Trial Rewards
Master Cycle Zero Picture of the Champions

Divine Beast Tamer's Trial Tips and Tricks

Stock Up on Food and Elixirs

Before taking on the final boss, you can return to Hyrule Overworld by returning the Sheikah Slate on its pedestal near the entrance of the dungeon. Stock up on food and elixirs that provide plenty or full healing, as well as dishes with food buffs that boost attack or defense.

Stock Up on Weapons

You can return to Hyrule Overland to restock on weapons and arrows by using the Sheikah Slate on the pedestal near the entrance of the dungeon. It's also a good idea to farm multi-shot bows from Lynels to help with the boss' second phase.

List of Dungeon Treasures

Chest Location How to Find
1 Cylindrical Room Treasure Chest Enter the Cylindrical Room and stand on the spinning ledge to reach the treasure chest that contains a Gerudo Scimitar.
Upper Level Treasure Chest
Head to the right side of the upper platform where you can see a metal slab. Use Magnesis on the chest and open it to receive 5 Bomb Arrows.
3 Giant Fan Room Treasure Chest Drop down and enter the door through the wall of gears and inside the Fan Room. Use Stasis on the giant fan and quickly make your way to the back area and defeat the hidden Guardian Scout. Open the chest its guarding to receive a Swallow Bow.
4 Water Room Treasure Chest Use Stasis on the spigot-like structure in the Water Room. Hit ithe structure with a weapon on its right side so that it spins counter-clockwise once stasis ends. This drains the water from the basin on the left. Drop down the basin and open the chest to receive a Zora's Spear.

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Divine Beast Tamer's Trial


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