Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Blue-Winged Heron Locations and Obtainable Materials

This page is about Blue-Winged Heron, a creature in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Learn where Blue-Winged Herons can be found in Hyrule, and what materials you can get from them.

Blue-Winged Heron General Info

Blue-Winged Heron
Recoverable Material Raw Bird Drumstick
These birds live on waterfronts all throughout Hyrule. Their characteristically thin legs and long necks help them catch water-dwelling fish or frogs for food. They lie perfectly still in wait for their prey and then stretch out their long necks to capture their meal.

Where to Find Blue-Winged Herons

Blue-Winged Heron Common Locations

    ・Hyrule Ridge
    ・Faron Grasslands

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