Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Frost Pebblit Locations and Spoils

This is a guide to Frost Pebblits, an enemy in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Learn where they can be found in Hyrule, and what items they drop.

Frost Pebblit Base Info

Frost Pebblit
HP 20
Species Talus
A very young Frost Talus. Their bodies toughen and frost over as they mature, becoming entirely made of ice by adulthood. As a child, however, their bodies are awfully fragile and are light enough to be blown away by bomb's blast.

Where to Find Frost Pebblits

Frost Pebblit Locations

    ・Hebra Mountains
    ・Gerudo Highlands

Frost Pebblit Spoils

Amber IconAmber Flint IconFlint Sapphire IconSapphire

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

BotW - Enemies

Enemies List

Stone Talus Stone Talus (Luminous) Stone Talus (Rare) Igneo Talus
Frost Talus Stone Pebblit Igneo Pebblit Frost Pebblit
Igneo Talus Titan


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