Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Trial of Thunder Walkthrough

Breath of the Wild (BotW) Trial of Thunder Shrine Quest

This is a guide to the Shrine Quest, Trial of Thunder, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start Trial of Thunder and all quest rewards.

How to Start Trial of Thunder

Trial of Thunder Location

Quest Giver ???
Location Thundra Plateau
Region Ridgeland

Trial of Thunder Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Head to Thundra Plateau

Objectives Guide
Head to Thundra Plateau
Head to Thundra Plateau west of Ridgeland Tower. The shrine quest starts when you arrive at the location.

Be sure to unequip metal weapons in the area.

Gather the Orbs

2 Gather the orbs Use the Statis rune to gather all the orbs scattered in the area.

Purple Orb - On the plateau beside its pedestal.

Red Orb - On top of a large structure east of the plateau. Use the Statis rune to knock it towards the plateau.

Green Orb - On top of its pedestal. Use the Statis rune and shoot an arrow to bring it down.

Orange Orb - On top of a large structure north of the plateau. Use the Statis rune and shoot an arrow to bring it down.

Place the Orbs

Place the orbs
The pillars have a symbol that matches one of the orbs. Pick up the orbs and place them on the corresponding pedestal.

When placed correctly, a shrine will emerge from the ground, and that completes the quest.

Trial of Thunder Quest Rewards

BotW - Trial of Thunder Toh Yahsa Shrine
Complete the shrine quest to unlock the Toh Yahsa Shrine.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Trial of Thunder.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start When you arrived at the Thundra Plateau, a fierce storm blowing around you, a voice spoke.

The voice said that a trial would appear once four spirits were set in their proper places.
Quest Clear You set the four spirits in their proper places based on the diagrams on the stone pillars.
When this was done, a shrine appeared in the middle of the Thundra Plateau!

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2 Anonymousabout 3 years

Multiple arrows. It takes like 4-5

1 Anonymousover 3 years

in the trial of thundre it suggests you hit the outside red and orange orbs into centre plateau. What do you hit them with under stasis? tried arrows and weapons.


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