Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

The Perfect Drink Walkthrough

Breath of the Wild (BotW) The Perfect Drink Shrine Quest

This is a guide to the Shrine Quest, The Perfect Drink, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start The Perfect Drink and all quest rewards.

How to Start The Perfect Drink

The Perfect Drink Location

Quest Giver Pokki
Location East Barrens
Region Wasteland

Start this quest by talking to Pokki in East Barrens. Note that you need to complete Forbidden City Entry gain access to Gerudo Town.

The Perfect Drink Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Look for Pokki

Objectives Guide
Look for Pokki
Look for Pokki in East Barrens at the southeastern part of the Gerudo Desert.

Talk to her, and she will mention a drink called Noble Pursuit.

Head to Gerudo Town

Talk to Furosa
Talk to Furosa in Gerudo Town. You can find her north of the town inside the Noble Canteen.

Head to the Northern Icehouse

Map Location
Head to the Northern Icehouse. You can find it past the ruins north of Gerudo Town.

Be sure to clear out the Fire-Breath Lizalfos on the ruins.

Talk to Anche
Descend the stairs and talk to Anche inside the icehouse.

She gives you an ice block to carry back to Furosa, who will be waiting at the ruins' entrance.

Deliver the Ice Block

Deliver the ice block to Furosa
Carry the ice block and head back to the ruins' entrance.

Stick to the left side of the ruins and avoid the Black Bokoblins.

Talk to Furosa
Talk to Furosa to give her the ice block.

Return to Pokki

Talk to Pokki
Return to Pokki and talk to her once again. She heads back to Gerudo Town, and that completes the quest.

The Perfect Drink Quest Rewards

BotW - Misae Suma Shrine
Complete the shrine quest to unlock the Misae Suma Shrine.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for The Perfect Drink.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start A Gerudo named Pokki has collapsed in front of the ancient shrine. You'll have to find a way to revive her if you want to get inside. She was barely coherent, but it sounded like she was muttering about wanting to drink something called Noble Pursuit.
1st Update Noble Pursuit is a famous drink from the Gerudo canteen. Unfortunately, it can't be made right now because they're all out of ice.
You'll need to go to the icehouse north of Gerudo Town and ask Anche to give you some ice. You can only get Anche's help while it's bright out, though.
2nd Update You got Anche to give you some ice!
You now have to carry the ice back to Furosa, who waits at the exit of the ruins north of town. With the blazing heat of the desert, it'll be a challenge to get back without the ice melting.
3rd Update You delivered the ice to the owner of the canteen.
She's now able to make ice-cold Noble Pursuits. She's asked that you go back to Pokki and let her know that a drink is waiting for her. Pokki had collapsed in front of the shrine.
Quest Clear When you told Pokki about the ice-cold Noble Pursuit, she flew off in the direction of the Gerudo canteen.
You can enter the shrine anytime you want.

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