Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

The Ancient Rito Song Walkthrough

This is a guide to the Shrine Quest, The Ancient Rito Song, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start The Ancient Rito Song and all quest rewards.

How to Start The Ancient Rito Song

The Ancient Rito Song Location

Quest Giver Bedoli
Location Rito Village
Region Tabantha

The Ancient Rito Song Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Look for Bedoli

Objectives Guide
Look for Bedoli
Bedoli is usually at the Revali's Landing location in Rito Village. Talk to her and she will tell you the first part of the song.

Talk to Laissa

Talk to Laissa
Look for Laissa and talk to her. Correctly recite the first part of the song to her, and she will tell you the second part.

Song Lyrics Order:
The pride of Rito
Pillar in the sky
Its heart lights up
When the sun is high

Solve the Puzzle

Head to the location
Glide down towards the location of the puzzle. You can find it directly south of RIto Village.
Solve the Puzzle
After reaching the location, stay on top of the orange platform and wait until around 12:30 pm. Lift up any wooden weapon (preferably a torch) while standing on the platform. You can complete the quest after solving the puzzle.

The Ancient Rito Song Quest Rewards

Shrine Quest Reward (BotW) - The Ancient Rito Song
Complete the quest to unlock the Bareeda Naag Shrine.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for The Ancient Rito Song.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start "The pride of the Rito, pillar in the sky, its heart lights up, when the sun is high."

It seems there is more to these lyrics than you heard from Bedoli in Rito Village.

Apparently Bedoli's sister Laissa knows the last half of the song.
1st Update You have heard the rest of the ancient Rito song from Bedoli's sister, Laissa.

"The pride of the Rito, pillar in the sky, its heart lights up, when the sun is high. The heart shines upon a path not whole, but a warming flame can stir its soul."

What is the meaning hidden in these lyrics?
Quest Clear "The pride of the Rito, pillar in the sky, its heart lights up when the sun is high. The heart shines upon a path not whole, but a warming flame can stir its soul."
The lyrics in the ancient song from the Rito Village were actually a clue to lead to the entrance of a shrine!

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