Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Robbie's Research Walkthrough


This is a guide to the Side Quest, Robbie's Research, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start Robbie's Research, and all quest rewards.

How to Start Robbie's Research

Purah location

Robbie's Research Location

Quest Giver Purah
Location Hateno Ancient Tech Lab
Region Hateno

Talk to Purah in the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab to start the quest.

Robbie's Research Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Purah

Objectives Guide
Talk to Purah
Talk to Purah and she will tell you that you can bring any ancient materials to Robbie at the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab, starting the quest.

Find the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab

Go to the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab
The lab can be found at the northeastern corner of the map. Go inside when you get there.
3 Show your scars Talk to Robbie, who will ask you to show him the scars on your body from 100 years ago. You can do this by simply removing your upper armor.

Light the Furnace

Find the Ancient Furnace
Next, you'll need to light the furnace to get the lab up and working again, just like what you did on the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab.

Grab the torch inside the lab then head west to the hill on the other side where the Ancient Furnace is.
Carry the blue flame
Light your torch with the blue flame and carry it back to the lab.

Remember to light the torches you come across to use as "checkpoints" just in case since there are a lot of monsters in the area.
Light the lab's furnace
After bringing the blue flame safely to the lab, ignite the lab's furnace with it to get the lab back up.

Talk to Robbie

7 Talk to Robbie Again Now, go back inside and talk to Robbie to complete the quest.

Robbie's Research Quest Rewards


Lighting the lab's furnace will activate its warp point and Cherry, who will give you ancient equipment and weaponries if you give it (her?) ancient materials from Guardians and some Rupees.

Many of the most powerful weapons in the game, as well as Ancient Arrows can be bought here, so be sure and complete this quest!

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Robbie's Research.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Purah told you that any ancient materials you find can be turned over to Robbie. You can find him presiding over the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab.
1st Update You met Robbie, the director of the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab.

However, Cherry—or rather, the ancient oven—isn't working a the moment, meaning it can't create ancient soldier gear for you.

All it (she?) needs to be up and running again is for you to light the furnace with the blue flame.
Quest Clear Though Robbie initially presumed that it was the power of love that set the ancient oven right again, he soon realized the cause was actually you lighting the furnace with blue flame.
If you give it some ancient materials, and a generous supply of rupees, the ancient oven will provide some ancient soldier gear in exchange.

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