Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Special Delivery Walkthrough

Special Delivery walkthrough

This is a guide to the Side Quest, Special Delivery, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start Special Delivery, and all quest rewards.

How to Start Special Delivery

Finley location

Special Delivery Location

Quest Giver Finley
Location Bank of Wishes
Region Lanayru

Talk to Finley, a young little Zora, on the Bank of Wishes to start the side quest.

Special Delivery Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Finley

Objectives Guide
Talk to Finley
Find Finley on the Bank of Wishes and talk to her to start the quest. This area is located southwest of Zora's Domain.

Follow the Letter

Destroy the wooden wall
You now have to follow the letter to wherever the river takes it to.

Destroy the wooden wall ahead with a bomb to let the letter through.
Secure the lettter
It is important not to lose sight of the letter but you also need to not get too close to it, lest monsters will accidentally destroy it.

You can switch to the Zora Set for swimming and Stealth Set for sneaking past monsters.
Destroy the blockade
Near Mercay Island, there will be a blockade consisting of barrels, boxes, and planks. Destroy them with a bomb before the letter gets close or you'll have no choice but to destroy it with the letter and start over.
Talk to Sasan
When the letter reaches the other end, speak with Sasan.

Return to Finley

6 Return to Finley Go back to Zora's Domain and talk to Finley and Sasan to receive a Gold Rupee.

Special Delivery Quest Rewards

Special Delivery reward 1

Return to Zora's Domain after escorting the letter and find Sasan and Finley to receive a Gold Rupee.

Adventure Log Entries

This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for Special Delivery.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Follow the letter down the river without losing sight of it, and find out who receives it. The letter's causing is fragile, so take care when pursuing it downstream.

If you lose sight of the letter, return to Finley to try again.
1st Update It turns out that Sasan picked up the message. He's heading to Zora's Domain to meet Finley now.

If you want to see what happens, you should get to Zora's Domain too...
Quest Clear Sasan arrived safely at Zora's Domain and met with Finley. Your part in the matter is concluded, though it remains to be seen whether Sasan can put on the muscle Finley hopes for.

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